Screen Quality

Unfortunately, though desktop TN panels tend to be markedly better than their notebook counterparts, they're still not big winners, and the Dell OptiPlex 9010 All-in-One is proof enough of that. This is in my opinion the major weak point of the 9010 AiO and unfortunately it's something that Dell doesn't give you the option to fix. The 9010 AiO's display suffers from mediocre viewing angles, severely curtailing its potential as a kiosk system. Touchscreen support is at least an option, but wasn't included in our review unit.

LCD Quality - White

LCD Quality - Black

LCD Quality - Contrast

LCD Quality - Color Accuracy

LCD Quality - Color Gamut

You can see the display is quite bright but at the cost of poor black levels. Color accuracy and gamut are both fine, but contrast is middling for a desktop display. Honestly I have to wonder if Dell didn't massively shoot themselves in the foot by cheaping out on the display. I appreciate the non-reflective matte finish, but it's a pretty minor perk against a sea of serious problems.

System Performance Build, Heat, and Power Consumption
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  • niaz - Monday, June 24, 2013 - link

    i broke my optiplex 9010 screen where can get one at what price

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