Both of the 21.5 and 27-inch iMacs use SO-DIMMs, however the 27-inch model does allow for end user upgrades. Remove the power cable and there's a button that will pop out a little panel giving you access to the system's SO-DIMM slots. The 21.5-inch model needs to be taken apart to gain access to the memory slots unfortunately.

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  • slashbinslashbash - Tuesday, October 23, 2012 - link

    Does your 46" TV also have 75-100W of CPU, RAM, HDD, and GPU inside? I'm guessing not (most TV's have embedded processors similar to cellphone CPU's, maybe 10W max?). Not to mention, the heat from a 46" TV would be dissipated over a much wider area than even a 27" iMac, so the iMac would feel hotter even if the two devices produced the same amount of heat.
  • ImSpartacus - Sunday, October 28, 2012 - link

    I'd say the heat is even worse than 75-100W. You can get up to 77W on the CPU alone and at least 50W on the GPU (probably more). And the rest of the computer isn't exactly helping the heat situation.
  • tookitogo - Friday, November 30, 2012 - link

    What makes you think the iMacs are hot because of the LCD backlights? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

    What DOES make sense is that in that housing, there's an entire computer, including CPU, GPU, drives, and power supply. It's slightly more likely -- and by "slightly" I mean infinitely -- that those components are responsible for the vast lion's share of the heat produced in an iMac.

    The alternative is to stick a big fan in there which makes more noise. Seems like a pointless tradeoff to me.

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