Comments on Performance Tests

The gaming benchmarks certainly tell a remarkable story when we look at the Soltek NV400 single-channel board. In almost every gaming benchmark — even the very demanding Gun Metal DX9 benchmark — the NV400-L64 finishes first or second. This puts it on a par with the best nForce2 Ultra 400 boards, at least in the gaming arena.

Although the Soltek performs well in Content Creation, General Usage, and MPEG-4 Encoding benchmarks, it is not a clear winner, falling slightly behind the best Ultra 400 boards.

Finally, when we look at the very demanding High-end Workstation Performance Benchmarks, we find the NV400 falling significantly behind the Ultra 400 boards. Apparently, SPECViewperf is very sensitive to memory bandwidth and it shows that the lower latency of a single-channel memory solution cannot always offset the loss in memory bandwidth.

High End Workstation Performance - SPEC Viewperf 7.0 (continued) Final Words
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  • epicstruggle - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - link

    is it just me or did the article replace ' with ’.

  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - link

    Good point for soltek board is they always unlock your high order XP cpus ;)
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - link

    I think the ASUS A7N8X-X also uses Single-Channel memory.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - link

    What are you talking about, for $15 more than this board costs I can get a KT600 board that's equal or greater in performance with SATA (+RAID), Firewire, 8 USB 2.0 ports, and better onboard audio. Certainly wouldn't want people looking at that!
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, August 12, 2003 - link

    Great bang for the buck! It should keep a lot of people from looking VIA's way.

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