Media Encoding and Gaming Performance

Content Creation and General Usage Performance High End Workstation Performance - SPEC Viewperf 7.0
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  • Anonymous User - Monday, September 1, 2003 - link

    just a minor suggestion that i've made before, but i'd really like to see - the chipset somewhere in the article title, which will make searching for reviews down the line MUCH easier

    regardless, great review!
  • Anonymous User - Monday, September 1, 2003 - link

    it would be nice if the reviewd item would have an alternate color on the graph, makes it much easier to follow.

    and you're talking about FSB overclocking. at default voltage the CPU gets its own frq limitation before than the FSB reaches its maximum. while testing max FSB offered by mobo you should lower the mult to 8x for example and now can we talk about max FSB. the diferences in FSB results among the mobos youve tested is mainly because some mobos overvolting their CPU's and i guess thats the reason why theres different results in FSB. the 2500+ barton simply cant resist speeds over 2300MHz at default voltage.

    so maybe you do some explaining, wes. or am i getting smth completely wrong.


  • Anonymous User - Monday, September 1, 2003 - link

    :-) Keep going, Wesley.
    And review the Abit board if you can, please.
  • Gandalf90125 - Monday, September 1, 2003 - link

    Wesley Fink, you sure have been a busy fella.

    Welcome to "WesleyTech", hehe. :-)

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