High End Workstation Performance — SPECViewperf 7.0


High-End Workstation performance has been an area where Intel has extended their performance lead in the Computer market. We now have a more mixed bag of results with Intel leading in some benchmarks, and AMD Athlon64 leading in others. If you look at the performance of Opteron at 2.0GHz in our charts, it is clear that Dual-Channel memory may make the largest performance difference in High-End Workstation graphics. We will try to look at this more closely in our upcoming reviews of FX chips and motherboards.

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  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

    Needs more MHz.... Needs more. Not ready yet to plunk the cash down. Possibly the 3.2 Intel then dump that for the new rev of the FX next year..... since I am never going to be happy with performance even if I just use it for email anyway. Gotta plow through all that spam just a little faster.
    Cheers and kudos to both Intel and AMD, love the war, love the technologies and even more... love the competition that will shortly lower prices.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, September 23, 2003 - link

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