E-Trend: More QA

The previous factory wing we were in used line assembly for the motherboards and high volume laptops. Since those are high volume productions (1 million boards or more!), tooling a line over for the final motherboard makes sense. However, in this part of the factory, a cell approach is better suited.

About six workers each accomplish several tasks per station rather than 20 workers accomplishing 1 task. The result is a lower output, but easier turnarounds for smaller orders. Keep in mind, when ECS says small, that could be anywhere between 5,000 to 25,000 units.

In the background, you can see these systems running a burn-in test. While the previous systems we saw ran for 4 hours, this client required their new systems to burn in for 8 hours.

Here, you will see ECS employees dismantle some OEM laptops to remove the processor and hard drive. The OEM client will then put their own CPU and hard drive into the laptop.

Below we have a snapshot of a real lot of OEM systems. There are 36 systems per pallet and about 15 pallets; and this isn’t even the warehouse.

E-Trend: Factory #26 Final Thoughts
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  • Anonymous User - Monday, October 6, 2003 - link

    "Quote # 19"
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    #17-Most people RMA products because they are ignorant fools who should be buying Dells.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    Is it a misprint, or do 50% of the originally manufactured bare motherboards fail QA? If that's true, you think they could figure out what the single biggest problem there is, fix it, and drop the fail rate to 20% or something. Yeesh. This article makes it seem like a miracle that their motherboards even work at all.

    I was going to mention how terrible a job sticking SIMM/DIMM connectors onto motherboards, all day, every day, for $150 a month would be, but then I thought there are a lot worse ways these women could be forced to make money.
  • AgaBooga - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    Any response to #7?
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    #9 you ignorant slut...

    since it is impossible to get the truth about employment practices, manufacturing practices (although the article alludes to how others around ECS are polluting)or just about anything else in china your statements just show you to be an apologist for a corrupt and tyrannical system...

    i can guarantee that there are no 'lazy' workers over there, a mistake or two on the line and you go back to the rice paddy and another slave takes your place - one hell of a motivator...
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    Nice article although ECS and it's affiliates still produce some of the worst motherboards I have ever used.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    A very interesting article.What is surprising is that it is not more mechanized and that there is so much (wo)manual labor involved!As far as the cost of labor is concerned.It may be likely that $150 is considered a good wage in China
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    A very great article, I knew that ECS was a large company. But not that large and I did´nt know that they have had Matsonic and PC Chips.

    The article could have been much more with their mainboards and Notebooks Espacially about the QA, and production technics.

    #6 ECS Produce ALOT of mainboards it is somewhat impossible to garantee a mainboard that is not defetive, or an entire shipment.

    Here they article could give us some insight on what happens with RMA mainboards at ECS, this would defently provide some insight what a mainboard manufactor do with these mainboards.

    #11, I agree with you.

    #9, to the part of the postoffice, I can only say this. In the US the law require that a Coperate Employer also hire Minority Groups in giving %.
  • Anonymous User - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    #6, you're an idiot, stop posting.
  • DAVIDS - Sunday, October 5, 2003 - link

    #9, I think you're making a lot of over-generalizations about American workers. Lazy people can be found in every country. There are a lot of American workaholics who spend 50-60 hours/week on the job. Also, you seem to forget that many of the technological innovations found in computers were made by researchers here in the US. The microprocessor, random access memory, etc. are all American inventions.

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