Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Performance no AA/AF

Warcraft III is an incredibly popular game, and while its not the most stressful graphics test out there, the replay mode offers the ability to track a player and speed the game up to 8 times its original speed. This can really push some numbers through the CPU and GPU. We ran this test on a replay of a tournament match we found online.

Here we see a marginal gain from the 9600 XT. Interestingly enough, the Ti 4200 performs better than the 5600 Ultra in this test. Of course, none of these cards can catch the 9700 Pro and 9800 XT.


Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Performance 4X AA/8X AF

Our performance improvements from XT evaporate when we turn on AA and AF. This seems to indicate that we have a memory bandwidth limitation which both cards share in this game. The 5600 Ultra and Ti 4200 appropriately swap positions when the memory bandwidth requirements are increased.

Unreal Tournament 2003 Performance Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    There is something in the review not clear to me. The 9800XT article made much of the dynamic overclocking feature, while one of the benefits touted for the 9600XT was its .13 process, making it run cooler and which should help overclocking.

    Yet the article mentioned neither dynamic overclocking nor made any attempt to overclock. This should have been done!

  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    #29, get a life. All big web sites use flash, you'd be idiotic not to. This isn't slashdot, where you can bitch and moan about how evil MS is, how great Linux, and how your pimples pop every time you eat too quickly.
  • AlteX - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    I think there's a problem with testing all these cards on the same machine. Of course, this gives a good competitive analysis, but is this what we really want to see?

    I, for one, want to buy a value gaming system in a month or two. Being a value SYSTEM (not a high-end system with just a value Gfx card), it definitely won't include anything near Athlon64 FX or even DDR400. It will most probably include some mid-range Ahtlon XP (2500+ or so), DDR333, etc. A Radeon 9600 class card would be a perfect fit for such a system.

    And what I'd really like to know is not how Radeon 9600XT compares to Radeon 9800XT on a high-end machine, but how it compares to other mainstream cards on a mainstream machine. Also, I'd like to know how each game is playable on each card. Meaning: what are the maximal IQ settings (resolution, AA/AF settings) that I can use to still get MINIMUM framerate of at least 25-30 FPS.

  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    I have returned 2 different 9600 Pro cards (Club3D and Hercules) because at high resolutions they show a dark shadow to the right of (black on white) text. At 2048x1536@85 it is terrible. A 9000 Pro does not have this problem. I wonder whether the 9600 XT has this same problem, or that it is fixed, maybe because of the new process.

    The problem is most visible using a pattern of alternating black and white pixels, like this:
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    The truth of the matter is that the nvidia cards are more technologically advanced then the ati cards...(btw I originally owned the 5900u sold it when I saw the hl2 benchmarks and bought a 9800p at best buy, returned it 4 days ago and picked up the 9800xt :) )...I have owned the tnt2, geforce2pro, geforce 4 ti4400, and the 5900u over the course of the last 4 years. In the case of the 5900u vs the 9700/9800 series, the 9800 series is a better version of card then the 5900u why? Nvidia dropped the ball, even with a better manufacturing process, higher core and memory speeds they weren't able to match ati's performance due to the fact they render at 32bit instead of 24....basically they render at a higher scale but they are too slow at 32 to help. If they redesign the core of the chipset to have more shaders I think the nv40 will be an awesome card. I'm hoping they do because ATI's customer service is the worst I have ever experienced.
  • Pointwood - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    What about noise? This is more or less the most important info and I didn't find any info about that.

    If the card isn't close to silent, it's worthless to me.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    the 5200 provides directx 9 at a low price
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 16, 2003 - link

    I couldn't agree with you more...I want the same for my 9700.

    I have to agree with #5
    "Telling people to wait on the 5700 Ultra doesn’t make much sense."

    Seems like paid advertisement to me.

    Wait...blah... I heard that a lot when the 9700 came out and people said wait for NV30. Then again when 9800 came out and people said, wait for NV 40.

    If people are going to buy a card you can wait for something... 1-2 weeks maybe, but damn, If I got the money NOW and I plan to buy a solution NOW, why in the world can we get a good recomendation of what is available NOW, or in the inmediate future? I can understand the 9600pro vs XT dilema, but not when the other option is still a ghost without any presence as we speak.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    I just want to add my vote to include the 9800SE in future benchmarks. This is looking like the card I will buy to play DX8 and DX9 games, and is within my budget (~$170). Actually, I can't find a better performance/price ratio.
  • Anonymous User - Wednesday, October 15, 2003 - link

    Not that I want tsteal the topic of the thread, but I was wondering about those high;y promoted cards from XGI with Volari GPU(s). Has anyone had a chance t use them? If so, how do they fare in comparison to the market leaders?

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