Gaming Performance

AoTS Escalation

Ashes of the Singularity is a Real-Time Strategy game developed by Oxide Games and Stardock Entertainment. The original AoTS was released back in March of 2016 while the standalone expansion pack, Escalation, was released in November of 2016 adding more structures, maps, and units. We use this specific benchmark as it relies on both a good GPU as well as on the CPU in order to get the most frames per second. This balance is able to better display any systematic differences in gaming as opposed to a more GPU heavy title where the CPU and system don't matter quite as much. We use the default "Crazy" in-game settings using the DX11 rendering path in both 1080p and 4K UHD resolutions. The benchmark is run four times and the results averaged then plugged into the graph.

Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation - 1080pAshes of the Singularity: Escalation - 4K UHD

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider is a third-person action-adventure game that features similar gameplay found in 2013's Tomb Raider. Players control Lara Croft through various environments, battling enemies, and completing puzzle platforming sections, while using improvised weapons and gadgets in order to progress through the story.

One of the unique aspects of this benchmark is that it’s actually the average of 3 sub-benchmarks that fly through different environments, which keeps the benchmark from being too weighted towards a GPU’s performance characteristics under any one scene.

Rise of the Tomb Raider - 1080pRise of the Tomb Raider - 4K UHD

CPU Performance, Short Form Overclocking With The i7-8700K
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  • Byte - Thursday, December 20, 2018 - link

    Wondering if the ESS Sabre really does anything to help the sound quality. Might get a MEG once they get cheaper just to try it.
  • Orange_Swan - Sunday, January 13, 2019 - link

    why does every motherboard HAVE to have that stupid PS/2 port, especially on mITX motherboards, where you could have an extra pair of USB sockets.
  • rickybobby3 - Thursday, November 7, 2019 - link

    i have the z390 ace and i purchase the h100i platinum cooler. it has a 3 pin plug for the header. but this board has 4 pin headers on the board? i have seen several people say this cooler is compatible with this board how are they pluging the 3 pin into the 4 pin fan header?
  • empleat - Wednesday, January 6, 2021 - link

    Thank you for posting DPC latency tests! Buying motherboard is shot in the dark. There are so many features, some differ per hardware and can cause huge input lag! From motherboard to motherboard: it is crazy how much mouse movement differs! Also some 500$+ ASUS mobos suffer from high DPC latency! So you can buy even highly rated mobos, which cost 500$ and then still get piece of garbage. Also there is 8k polling mouse now, which most of motherboards can't even handle. And 500hz monitors in 1-2 years. Also timer resolution supports only 0.5ms max. interval.

    I wish you would test even most infamous BIOS features, which cause input lag. But that's perhaps to much to ask. You would have to test literally every BIOS feature, which could, but doesn't have to lag... Also some can differ per hw configurations so...

    Thank you for bringing attention to this! And for testing! You are MVP!

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