Final Thought

In the end, what really makes a good gaming chassis? We believe a worthwhile product should include a tool-less design, greater possibilities for expansion, ample drive bays, and regardless of any other feature, a removable motherboard tray. We mentioned earlier that gamers, more than any other end user, swap out hardware to keep up with changing technologies. This creates the need for a case that will allow them to do this without running into messy wiring or cramped space inside the case.

Though Chenbro does not include many of these features in their Xpider II, its performance comes close to a great gaming chassis as far as heat and noise benchmarks go. Compared to the Thermaltake Damier V6000A, the Xpider II performed at just about the same level. It is surprising, since the Damier has three more fans than the Xpider II.

Click to enlarge.

The Xpider II's use of drive rails was also a great choice, but would have been even better had it been implemented in the bottom six 3-1/2" drive bays. And Chenbro's add-on card securing device was an excellent idea, but could be improved to work with the varying designs of add-on cards.

With the combination of these features, we conclude that the Xpider II is at par with the other mid-range themed cases, like the X-Mask and the Guardian, but a price tag of around $80 may seem a bit on the expensive side compared to those two.

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  • Operandi - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link


    Stop reviewing these things.
  • Pixle - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link

    What in the....

    What type of designers or artists did they have. That thing gives me a headache just looking at it.
  • Manzelle - Tuesday, August 10, 2004 - link


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