Final Words

Overall, the M:860 is a sleek clean widescreen notebook ready for 64-bit computing with a few points that need some tweaking. At this time, we feel that Voodoo really needs to make the switch to DDR400 on the mobile side, as that is what their closest competitors are using (Alienware's Area-51m and Dell's Inspiron XPS), and the sooner that they make the switch, the better. The problems in the past with DDR400 memory modules in notebooks were supply and volume, but with Dell now using it, it is no longer really an issue. Because of the architectural difference between Intel and AMD systems, there probably won't be any performance increase with DDR400 in general application use for Voodoo's M:860, but there should be some in gaming and memory bandwidth dependent scenarios.

The other big issue that we take with the M:860 is the lack of a built-in microphone, which is such a small thing, but it goes a long way when you need it. Buying a small external microphone should cost just a few bucks at Radio Shack or some nearby electronic store, but that kind of defeats the purpose of having an integrated microphone. If you don't use the microphone on the laptop, this probably should be a large concern, but we use it often enough for recordings, audio instant messaging, etc.. for it to be an issue for us.

For the first half of 2004, desktop replacement systems really started to pick up steam and close the performance gap in comparison to their desktop big brothers, but within the past couple of months, several desktop processor and chipset announcements have been made. And again, desktop performance has pulled ahead of many of the fastest desktop replacement systems. This will always be cyclical, but at this particular point, we seem to have hit the apogee in the performance catch up game. Desktops just started to get technology like DDR2, PCI-express, NCQ, so it is probably going to be some time before they hit DTRs.

Until then, DTRs like the Envy M:860 are going to be one of the best that money can buy, and it is still only one of the major Athlon 64 laptops available. Though, the Envy M:860 still runs at a cool $3,300 (USD) starting price, which makes it the second most expensive notebook from Voodoo. Our system actually rang in at about $3,498 (WinXP Pro configuration). Compare this with an equivalently configured M:855 at $3,264 (A64 3400+, 1GB PC2700, 60GB 7200 hard drive with XP Pro), Alienware's Area-51m at $3,106 (P4 3.4GHz, 1GB PC3200, 60GB 7200RPM hard drive, MR9700 with XP Pro), and Dell's Inspiron XPS at $3,127 (P4 3.4GHz, 1GB PC3200, 60GB 7200RPM hard drive with XP Pro).

If you have to make a buying decision now for a desktop replacement system, we would probably pick a M:855 over a M:860, since it is the only powerhouse notebook to make a significant impression on us with its over 3-hour battery life. But with the M:855, you lose the benefit of a widescreen display and fair quality audio (among other things like the lack of a microphone). The speakers on the M:855 are usable, but they aren't fair speakers, especially if you are one to notice the audio while playing a movie off a DVD or listening to some MP3 tracks.

We still have yet to compare the M:860 against Dell's Inspiron XPS (it's been a while since we used one) and Alienware Area-51m, but we are trying to contact both companies, so hopefully we will be able to make a more thorough comparison soon. At the moment, the only immediate benefit that you would get by buying a M:855 or M:860 over a Inspiron XPS or Area-51m is the claim that you'll be ready for 64-bit computing, since Dell and Alienware are both in the Intel camp in this regard. Even so, a 64-bit OS is still a bit off, and this is going to be one of those chick and egg games.

Startup Performance
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  • gibhunter - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    In my case my notebook is a desktop replacement that I sometimes play games on. I didn't buy it specifically for gaming.

    Still, to have that capability, notebook manufacturers force you to buy the biggest, heaviest and most expensive notebooks.

    Like I said, 14 or 15" 4/3 ratio screen, 6 pounds max weight is plenty enough for me. Unfortunately if I want that, I have to get an old generation video card with it. Kind of sad.
  • tfranzese - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    Buying a notebook for gaming is a waste of money. The size of notebooks too is pathetic in many cases and I wouldn't call them mobile. But people keep buying them because they have no perspective of what is best.
  • Lonyo - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    Misread the benchmarks, I was looking at the top graph, not the bottom one, but the typo is still there.
  • Lonyo - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    To #3, why a 4:3 screen and a 5:4 ratio of resulution? That would look messed up and out of scale.

    On page 7, the comment below the first graph is:
    Battery life for the M:860 is about what we expected: a little over 2 hours, which makes it fairly comparable to other desktop replacement systems of its nature. We still have high praise for the M:855's 3-hour score, since it is really out of character in DTR notebooks.

    Yes the graph shows a Voodoo M:8855 (typo) having a lower score than the M:860
    The R50, T41 and 8600 are all higher than both Voodoo notebooks, and have >3hours, if the numbers are in minutes, while the M855 has a score of 131, vs 137 for the M:860.
  • gibhunter - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    These notebooks are getting larger by the minute. I have the Dell Inspiron 8200 at at just over 7 pounds it's just about too heavy and is definitely too large for a notebook.

    Personally, I'd like to see a notebook with a 14.1 4/3 ratio screen, with a 1280/1024 resolution, with Athlon 64 or Pentium M and Mobility 9800 with 256MB of ram and 1Gig of PC2700 DDR SDRAM with just one combo CD/DVD drive. At 14.1" screen size, it should weigh less than 6 pounds and be much smaller than the 8200 while having twice the gaming performance.

    These new gaming notebooks just don't do anything to me on aesthetic levels.
  • animekenji - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    These machines are made by Arima who also supplies the emachines notebooks. The M6811, though not quite as powerful in some areas, is a heckuva lot cheaper and should be considered by anyone looking at one of these. In fact, if you put the photos of the M6811 side by side with this machine you will see nearly everything is identical.
  • MAME - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    that's really cool

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