Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Performance

Performance on the low end here, again, may be due to driver or power management issues (WolfET and HW2 are both OGL games), but we aren't certain, as the other Q3A engine game (JKJA) didn't show similar signs. Performance on the same level as the 9700 Pro in a notebook is still nothing to sneeze at.

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory

Warcraft III: Frozen Throne Performance X2: The Threat Performance
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  • TrogdorJW - Thursday, August 19, 2004 - link

    What are teh actual specifications of the MR9800 as configured in the Dell XPS laptop? I assume it had 256 MB of RAM with a 256-bit bus, but what was the clockspeed of the RAM and the GPU core? I'm betting lower clocked RAM is a major reason that the MR9800 sometimes falters in performance.

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