Battery Performance

Our general method for battery testing is to reset the camera to its default settings and change the recording mode to the highest quality option. Then, we take 5 pictures without the flash and 2 pictures with the flash until the battery is dead. For more information on our battery test, please refer to our Testing Procedures page. For this test, we used the supplied proprietary batteries for the Canon S410 and the Casio Ex-Z40. For the Pentax Optio S40, we used our pair of NiMH Power2000 2500mAh batteries. All batteries were fully drained before charging for the test.

   Number of shots taken in one battery charge
Canon S410 610
Casio Z40 1,767
Pentax S40 1,236

The Casio Z40 showed a really outstanding performance, taking 1,767 frames on a single charge with its 1230mAh rechargeable NP-40. The Pentax S40 also performed very well, shooting 1,236 frames on our 2500mAh Power2000 NiMH batteries. The 840mAh NB-1LH rechargeable battery provided the Canon S410 with 610 frames on one charge. Although, the Canon S410 took the least number of frames, all three cameras proved to have extraordinary battery performance. Keep in mind that casual use of any of these cameras will result in lower numbers than we were able to achieve. Our test consists of shooting continuously until the battery is dead.

Playback Features: Pentax Optio S40 The Timing Tests
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  • araczynski - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - link

    my classic Kodak DC240 is still kicking ass and taking names :) years later and I still could care less what else is out there :)

    Next camera will probably be video anyway, not much use (to a general consumer) for a still shot only camera (yeah, the crappy wanna be video mode doesn't count)
  • WooDaddy - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - link

    Canons are very good. I agree.

    Just to put it out there.. Don't forget the Minolta G400. It falls in the same category as well: 4MP, VERY small, 3x zoom, movie mode, <$300. The selling point for me was the very fast shot to shot time and the dual MS and SD slots. Startup time is probably on par if not faster than the Casio. Image quality is very good as well. AF isn't probably as good or controllable as the Canon though. The demonstration of the Canon AF feature is helpful; I wish I knew it worked like that before I got my Minolta. The Minolta requires more tinkering that most but once you get the hang of it, it's OK.

    Either way the G400 is a camera that shouldn't be ignored.
  • noxipoo - Tuesday, October 5, 2004 - link

    I have canon S230 and I have used a S400, S500 extensively and they have always rocked. I have used older models that my friends have also. We all get canon for the consistent image quality, in the end its all that really matters.
  • John1177 - Saturday, January 16, 2021 - link

    Best Motorcycle Helmet Cameras 2021 Ultimate Buying Guide

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