Our Take

If we look at this review as an evaluation of the SiS 755FX chipset, we have to say that we remain impressed with what SiS has done in the Athlon 64 chipset market. In the transition to Socket 939 and dual-channel memory, SiS has kept the fast performance that made the 755 chipset a standout. This is basically the same chipset that we tested almost a year ago and it still holds its own against the latest nForce 4 and updated VIA chipsets. It seems as of late that our tests of SiS chipsets leave us wondering what they could really do in a top-of-the-line motherboard design, but we will likely have to keep wondering, since we do not know of any SiS boards in the works right now except those geared for value price points.

That should take absolutely nothing away from the excellent performance of the Winfast 755FXK8AA. The board is very fast at stock speeds. When you consider it is designed to sell for less than $100, we are impressed at the very complete feature set and excellent layout that Foxconn have managed to build into this motherboard. You don't even expect to be able to buy a top performing 939 motherboard for $100, let alone a board with Gigabit LAN, Firewire and 8-channel on-board audio. Foxconn has done a very good job of delivering value in the Winfast, and you won't feel like you have compromised on features at all if you choose the 755FXK8AA for your new 939 Athlon 64 system.

For the capabilities it does have in overclocking, the Winfast is rock solid. It can run at 233 all day long without any issues. The CPU voltages with both + and - ranges also allow the board to be used for both modest overclocking as well as modest underclocking. Some users do underclock to reduce noise and heat to the lowest possible levels and it is not always easy to find a board that will underclock. The Foxconn will fit those users very well.

Disappointment comes into play in considering overclocking and what might have been with the Winfast. The lack of a clock generator that supports more than 233 and the missing memory voltage adjustments limit a board that could have been so much more. The 755FX is so good to 233 that we are severely disappointed that it doesn't have the stuff to let us see where the SiS755FX chipset can really go. There is also the frustration that this is perilously close to the magic sub $100 Socket 939 board that everyone is looking for. A different clock generator, memory voltage adjustments, a BIOS fix for 4 DS dimms, and a bit more attention to what the Athlon 64 enthusiast is looking for would have made this board a huge sales success.

As it is, the Foxconn is still easy to recommend. It is solid, fast at stock speeds, and filled with the features most users want. It is an incredible bargain when the selling price is considered. You can easily reach 233 even with the limitations, which make it a decent match to a 90nm 3500+ or faster processors for overclocking. That is because you can reach near 2.6GHz with the 3500+ combination even with the 233 limitation. For overclockers looking to push the 3000+ or 3200+ to 2.6 to 2.8GHz, however, you need to look elsewhere as 233 is just not enough. It is also not a board we would choose if we planned to run 4 DS dimms, but we suspect Foxconn could fix the 4 DS dimm issue with a BIOS update that offered 200 as a memory speed choice.

If you're not an overclocker or only have modest needs for overclocking, then by all means, go for the Winfast 755FXK8AA. It is a fast performer and you will not be disappointed. If we could just get past what might have been . . .

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  • nserra - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    The sis chipsets are very good, with the right bios configuration and drivers will do well. At least my ME and XP installation is already 3 years old and didn’t have to reinstall them because of problems.

    The biggest Sis problem is that the mobo maker’s dont use good quality components on the (sis) boards, at the same level of the intel based ones. When every one says intel is the best, or that sis sucks, etc... Take that into account OK.

    I noted the Soltek comes on top too many times, I wonder why is that, especially over the other ones, maybe they are socket 754 based?

    #6 I had the same problem you have, and now it is solved. The startup time is really fast, not as fast as the ME, but good :)
  • jmke - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    Why is DOOM3 (opengl) in the DX9 gaming category? ;)
  • Gnoad - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    Any word on if it would be capable if running above 233 if a program like clockgen was used?
  • Calin - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    I have bought a ECS K7S5A with SIS 735 chipset. It is still working, and is going good (except a very long startup time in WinXP).
    I won't stay away from SiS chipsets, especially at that price point for a mainboard
  • FFS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    missed t in "Switzerland" Sorry...
  • FFS - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    Good article... hope to see more boards in retail...
    Competition is very good.
    SiS 755 was very good... in reviews...
    But we never could find any SiS mobo in the shops (at least in Swizerland)
    But I just do not trust SiS after I had way too many problems with SiS 648 (also was very good in reviews at it's time)

    But check this out:
    nSISt on nVIDIA

    I a not a fun of nVIDIA although nF3 Ultra looks very atractive to me (nF4 not, since I have already good 6800GT AGP board...)

    Well, too bad that Intel do not make chipsets for AMD... :)))
  • Poser - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    In the article he wrote, "The board is also a 3-phase design, instead of the 2-phase that we often see on boards designed to a price point" which made me wonder -- what's the difference? Both in a technical sense, and in a performance sense. Does the number of phases a board uses have any influence on what's the best power supply to mate it with, or am I wandering off in the wrong direction entirely? Anyone have a good link where I could dig a bit deeper?
  • esun - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    Wow, this board looks like an excellent value. Here's hoping that they'll fix those minor problems, and perhaps I'll pick one up myself.
  • Saist - Thursday, December 16, 2004 - link

    just wanted to comment that I picked up ECS's 755-A2 board some time back and it is now pretty much the value board that I pick when someone doesn't want to shell out $100+ for a mother board. I'm pretty much pleased to see that SiS is continuing this with the 755FX. Hopefully it will mean a Socket 939 A64 will be joining the 3 current 754 boards.

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