IDE plugins

Although Tortoise CVS is a very slick piece of software, developers may want to connect to CVS from within a Development Environment such as Visual Studio, Dreamweaver, Eclipse, etc. Below is a list of some popular Development Environments and links to tutorials on getting CVS integrated into them. If your Development Environment isn't listed, do a search on Google. Chances are that someone has found a way to get CVS integrated.

Microsoft Visual Studio


Macromedia Dreamweaver

Other Source Control Software

Of course there is plenty of version control software available, below is a short list of some other popular source/version control software.

  • Subversion
  • FreeVCS
  • SourceJammer

  • PerForce
  • Serena Version Manager (formerly Merant PVCS)
  • Visual Source Safe 2005
  • Surround SCM
  • IBM Rational ClearCase


    During this tutorial, we've covered the basic usage and installation of CVSNT and Tortoise CVS. There are, however, many other features and methods of using CVS, especially if you plan to use CVS to manage a software application. Regardless of your endeavors, we suggest that you read through the extensive CVS documentation and Tortoise CVS User Guide prior to setting up CVSNT for a large project.

  • Viewing the history of files
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    • skunkbuster - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      cute turtle !!
    • viscount1baby - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      Source Gear Vault ( is free for a single user. Much better if your just looking for something for yourself for home usage. It stores it's content is a sql server database too, so backup is a snap.
    • starjax - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      they all provide the same funtionality. cvsnt probably has the most documentation. and if you need to eventually use it on more systems, its scalability is cheaper.
    • Pauli - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      Hey starjax (or anyone else reading this) - I have been using Clearcase for years at work (Windows environment). Which of these free tools is closest to the Clearcase environment? I am looking only for a system that will be run on a single XP PC.
    • starjax - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      clearcase.... expensive, administrative heavy, resource heavy (server side). Used only in environments where there are many software/revisions to track. WHere I work we have the largest install base for clearcase and run the largest vob's (up to 100gig). yes thats what I said. most vobs are aroun 3-4 gigs.
    • JCheng - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      Here's a list of improvements Subversion holds over CVS:

      For me, it's hard to imagine using source control without atomic commits (which SVN has and CVS doesn't), but then, I cut my teeth on Perforce which has had them forever.
    • neogodless - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      Well I can't get past the step of creating my first module... "bad login or user" sort of error every time. No idea how to get past that. There's nowhere to even enter a password....
    • Jason Clark - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      WooDaddy, never used ClearCase.. Either CVS or Subversion should handle just about any project though.
    • Jason Clark - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      ncage, yep the old visual source safe was a joke. However, from what i hear the new Team System stuff coming out with Visual Source Safe 2005 is supposed to be very slick. I linked to it in alternative source control products.
    • WooDaddy - Wednesday, December 29, 2004 - link

      How does this compare to ClearCase?

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