Foxconn the Quiet

Most folks aren't aware of exactly how large of a motherboard manufacturer Foxconn is, but make no mistake - Foxconn is one of the largest motherboard manufacturers around today. The difference is that Foxconn has very poor presence in the channel, which means that the majority of the enthusiast market isn't really exposed to their motherboards.

Quality and reliability are top notch for Foxconn, as their products are used by all of the major OEMs, but they have always fallen short of offering good enthusiast-class motherboards.

Given that Foxconn is a major OEM motherboard manufacturer it is no surprise to see a BTX motherboard at their booth:

The 945G7UB-8KS2 is a fairly standard 945G based motherboard, but it happens to be built in accordance to the micro-BTX specification.

More MSI on BTX Tyan
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  • erwos - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Quick question for you, Anand: when you say DDR200 in reference to the i-RAM card, do you mean PC3200 or PC1600?

    It would seem to make zero sense to use PC3200 RAM, when the PCI bus is already limiting you to 133mb/s anyways. I hope they're using low-clocked RAM (makes more sense!), which is cheaper anyways...

    I guess there's some latency differences, but at the nanosecond range, who's going to notice?

  • ryanv12 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    #4 - Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I want to upgrade my processor but would like to hang onto my 6800GT for a while. I hope that board makes its way to the US, because it would be a perfect solution for me.
  • bersl2 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    lol on ABIT's nuke button.

    Oh joy, DRM rears its ugly head again.
  • erwos - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    So, does this mean the Shuttle SN26P got cancelled? Damn.
  • semo - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    if the nvidia g70 card is a single slot solution than the rumor that the g70 will burn 150w cannot be true right. anyone know what is the actual power rating for the g70?
  • mjz - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    lets see some real world tests done with the gigbyte ram drive :p
  • plewis00 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    That all looks quite exciting, the thing which caught my eye was the Pentium M XPC. I wonder now if Shuttle do one they'll get it right (Aopen's was cool but no SATA support...). Anyone know the model number for it?
  • flatblastard - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

  • flatblastard - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    Whew, that's was a lot of coverage, anand! I'll have to admit though, I was more interested in the vanilla Xpress 200 motherboards than crossfire/r520/g70/blah/blah/yawn.....Did you happen to notice any new Xpress 200 + socket 939 mobos? Even if you didn't have a chance to cover them, I'd be interested to know if you've seen/heard anything new. Well, congratualtions on another job well done.
  • SynthDude2001 - Wednesday, June 1, 2005 - link

    That ULi chipset/motherboard with support for both AGP and PCI-Express really caught my eye. It would be a nice upgrade path for those of us still stuck with slower CPU's (Athlon XP in my case), but not quite ready to upgrade our high-end AGP video card yet (6800GT in my case).

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