Color Reproduction

* For all of our color tests, we reset the DSC-M1 to its factory default settings. It was then set to record using the highest image quality option. All images are sRGB.


Auto WB Incandescent WB

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Reference Chart ("actual colors")

Auto WB Incandescent WB

Under tungsten light with Auto WB, the DSC-M1 produces images with a rather strong yellowish cast. When we set the camera to Incandescent WB, the colors are much more accurate. However, we still detected a very slight yellowish cast.


Auto WB Daylight WB

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Reference Chart ("actual colors")

Auto WB Daylight WB

With Auto WB, the DSC-M1 produces images with a slightly cool (bluish) color cast. When the camera is set to Daylight WB, it produces image with extremely accurate color.

Built-in Flash

For the flash test, we set the camera to Auto mode w/Auto flash. The picture was taken from 5 feet away.

Click image to enlarge.

The built-in flash does a decent job lighting our hand from 5 feet away. However, we detect a subtle warm cast on the white wall. Remember, the flash range of the M1 is significantly shorter than average. With the lens at wide angle, the flash will only light a subject up to 5'11" away.

Resolving Fine Lines Noise
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  • Nancymbsmo - Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - link

    So far, Sony Cybershot has ruled in the camera market, but now as per the advent of new technologies and rising challenges, many people have shifted from Cybershot to other coolest digital cameras. But <a href=" Cybershot </a> DSC-M1 got Unique style and beautiful design along with powerful performance.

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