Firewire and USB Performance

After looking at many options for Firewire and USB testing, we finally determined that an external USB 2.0, Firewire 400, and Firewire 800 hard disk might be a sensible way to look at USB and Firewire throughput.

Our first efforts at testing with an IDE or SATA drive as the "server" yielded very inconsistent results, since Windows XP sets up cache schemes to improve performance. Finally, we decided to try a RAM disk as our "server", since memory removed almost all overhead from the serving end. We also managed to turn off disk caching on the USB and Firewire side by setting up the drives for "quick disconnect" and our results were then consistent over many test runs.

We used 2GB of fast 3-2-2-4 system memory set up as a 450MB RAM disk and 1550MB of system memory. Our standard file is the SPECviewPerf install file, which is 432,533,504 bytes (412.4961MB). After copying this file to our RAM disk, we measured the time for writing from the RAM disk to our external USB 2.0, Firewire 400, or Firewire 800 drive using a Windows timing program written for AnandTech by our own Jason Clark. The copy times in seconds were then converted into Megabits per second (Mb) to provide a convenient means of comparing throughput. Higher Rates, therefore, mean better performance.

Firewire and USB Performance

Possibly the most striking finding in our Firewire and USB throughput tests is the performance of an external hard drive connected to Firewire 800. If you wonder why Firewire 800 matters, just look at the data. Our benchmarks show Firewire 800 is up to 46% faster than a drive connected to the more common Firewire 400, and about 29% faster than USB 2.0.

Our test is just one of many throughput tests, but in this benchmark, it is clear that the VIA Firewire 400 chip is faster than TI's 1394a chip. The NVIDIA nForce4 USB 2.0 controller is slightly faster than Intel's solution. Unlike the other Royal member boards, the Gigabyte 8N SLI Quad Royal does not offer a Firewire 800 option. This is a mistake in our opinion and hopefully, Gigabyte will address this before mass production begins.

Disk Controller Performance Ethernet Performance
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  • Johnmcl7 - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    The motherboard can't actually drive four cards in SLI, the only use for those slots graphics card wise is more monitors, you don't need a 500 dollar card for that.

  • Xenoterranos - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    Wow. I need this. Now. right now. Wow. Anyone have a couple grand i can borrow?
  • Xenoterranos - Wednesday, October 12, 2005 - link

    hey, first post!
  • vini3 - Tuesday, March 3, 2020 - link

    very good post

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