
So, we've now tested our first quad-core notebook. As you might expect, the results are mixed, with some areas benefitting while other areas actually end up with lower performance. If you're not a fan of large desktop replacement notebooks, the X305-Q725 won't change your mind. It's still bulky and heavy, battery life is poor, and performance still isn't anywhere near the level of top desktop solutions. However, some users don't want a desktop and don't mind the added size and weight; all they want is a powerful laptop that they can transport from place to place when the need arises. If you're looking for that sort of system, can the Toshiba X305-Q725 meet your needs?

For gaming performance, we have to conclude that there are simply faster options out there. We don't even need the new GTX 280M graphics chips to surpass the single 9800M GTX; two 9800M GT or 8800M GTX chips will offer up to 80% more performance. You might guess that such laptops will cost more than the X305-Q725, and certainly some do, but others are available at very competitive prices.

So if gaming performance isn't the selling point, what about the quad-core CPU? Is the X305-Q725 with the Q9000 a good selection for highly threaded tasks? On its own, it would be better than any of the other laptops we've compared it to, but we need to look at the market as a whole. If all you need is raw CPU performance, there are other laptops with quad-core CPUs that cost quite a bit less. One example that just launched (and which we currently have for testing) is the Gateway FX P-7808u, which has a GeForce 9800M GTS 1GB and a Q9000 and retails for around $1850.

If you want even more performance, there's no beating desktop CPUs. The Clevo D901C can support up to a Q9650 (3.0GHz), which should be about 50% faster in CPU limited tests than the Q9000. Throw in dual 9800M GTX GPUs and in some cases it will be nearly twice as fast. Clevo also has the D900F ready to begin shipping in April, which will pack a desktop Core i7 CPU for true workstation level performance. The X305-Q708 is another option if you like the design of the 725 but want more performance. It includes dual 9800M GT cards, though, so from a price and performance standpoint the Clevo D901C would be the better buy.

Looking at the big picture, the X305-Q725 currently has an MSRP of $2700. That's less than a faster, more powerful DTR, but the jump from $2700 to $3300 is only a 22% increase for 50% to 100% more performance. If you're willing to spend $2700 on a large, powerful laptop, an extra $600 that will bring non-linear performance improvements seems pretty reasonable. (Note that you can skip the second 9800M GTX on the D901C and save the $700.)

For what you get, the Toshiba X305-Q725 is a decent DTR type notebook. It definitely doesn't break any notions about what a desktop replacement can provide, but the overall feature set is pretty good. If you feel you need a quad-core CPU, high-end mobile GPU, and an SSD, the X305-Q725 is a viable option. However, the periodic stability issues are a serious concern, and when you're spending this much money that can be a deal breaker. We don't recommend DTRs for most users, but even so we feel there are better options out there.

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  • Dfere - Thursday, March 12, 2009 - link

    A business power user needs some mobility. I use a laptop as my main business computer. It would be nice to have something to play games at an ok rate. But given the bugs, let alone the power issues, I wouldn't. I need some mobility and I need my data and system operational to make revenue.

    A plain gamer/laptop lover wouldn't because it isn't a top performer, and thats why they buy.
  • JimmiG - Thursday, March 12, 2009 - link

    I used to travel a lot between point A and point B and wanted a good gaming system at both places. I was considering a gaming laptop for a while but ended up building myself a Shuttle SFF system instead. Fit perfectly in the backpack together with my other belongings, cost about 1/4th of a gaming laptop and offered 95% of the performance of a full tower system. I just used a cheap 19" CRT monitor at one place and the LCD at the other. Amazing how small and light that system was.

    Of course if you travel a lot between many different location, this kind of laptop might make sense. Just hook it up when you arrive at the hotel room, cabin etc., and you've got a full gaming setup. Of course, if you don't care about games, you'd be better served by a netbook or 13" laptop...
  • Enoc - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    with the AMD/Ati 4850 and 4870 for mobile... why these companies still use the renamed 9400/9500/9600/9800gt/gtx...? and what it worse some people think the GTX 280M is the same as the deskstop counterpart but is really a 9800GTX...

    AMD has a good oportunity if more OEM embrace the 4850/4870 for the enthusiast notebook segment like MSI has done and if they introduce low power(HE) quads and triple cores for this segment that would be a nice move...

    with $1500+- you could build something better with a compal/saeger barebone...

  • JarredWalton - Thursday, March 12, 2009 - link

    Sager doesn't make barebones, I don't think; they use Clevo offerings. But yes, you can put together a better custom system I think. Pricing might not be much better, though.
  • Memph - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    I'v had similar expiriences with my qosmio. The problems in the old drivers. have to uninstall them (twice) from the safe mode. and then install the newest nvidia drivers. Mine used to lock up randomly. Now everything works perfectly.
  • jabber - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    I've had several laptops over the years. Best fix I've found for stability is to blitz the manufacturers build asap and slap on a fresh build with the latest OS. Go to the manufacturers site for drivers that you cant find elsewhere as they will generally be two or three versions on from the ones the laptop came with.

    There will also be a new BIOS update usually.

    Has always got rid of the quirks for me.
  • JarredWalton - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    FWIW, the instability issue always cropped up with a graphics application - game - running. (Well, there was the SysInfo issue with 3D/PCMark Vantage, but that's clearly a driver problem that they addressed.) I did run Folding@Home SMP on the laptop non-stop for several days with no crashes caused there. I did not test the GPU folding client, though, which would have been interesting to check now that I think about it.

    Personally, I do not run Folding@Home on laptops (anymore); it just places a huge load on the system and is almost asking your laptop to die a premature death. For that matter, I've stopped running it on most of my desktops as well - power costs for all the running computers were too much, so it's much cheaper to just leave them off when they're not in use.
  • Wolfpup - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    Be funny to people? My notebook is my main system...I mean why not?

    Anyway, I'm so glad Anandtech is continuing to cover power laptops!

    I hate how gaudy this is, but I'd certainly consider it if not for the lack of Blu Ray and LED backlight. I actually prefer the single high end GPU route...

    Plus obviously the instability is disturbing. Must be a hardware defect somewhere, or else a bad driver. I've been Folding non stop on the CPU and GPU of my (much lower end) Asus n80 with a Penryn/Geforce 9650GT and it hasn't crashed once.
  • piroroadkill - Wednesday, March 11, 2009 - link

    17" is too large for a notebook in my opinion, even a gaming one. 15.4" widescreen @ 1680x1050 would be perfect. Also how did they manage to make this thing so goddamn thick?!
  • Blahman - Friday, March 13, 2009 - link

    Check this one out, matches your requirements exactly:">

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