
Our newest addition to our benchmark suite is Eidos Monreal’s stealth action game, Thief. Set amidst a Victorian-era fantasy environment, Thief is an Unreal Engine 3 based title which makes use of a number of supplementary Direct3D 11 effects, including tessellation and advanced lighting. Adding further quality to the game on its highest settings is support for SSAA, which can eliminate most forms of aliasing while bringing even the most powerful video cards to their knees.

Thief - 3840x2160 - High Quality

Thief - 3840x2160 - Low Quality

Thief - 2560x1440 - Very High Quality

Our first major review with Thief finds AMD taking a small lead at 2160p, with NVIDIA returning the favor at 1440p. In the case of 1440p both the AMD and NVIDIA setups are able to deliver well over 60fps (despite the heavy use of SSAA at this setting), while at 2160p even the 295X2 falls just a hair short of cracking 60fps even with the slightly lower quality settings.

Thief - Min. Frame Rate - 3840x2160 - High Quality

Thief - Min. Frame Rate - 3840x2160 - Low Quality

Thief - Min. Frame Rate - 2560x1440 - Very High Quality

Meanwhile when it comes to minimum framerates, while AMD and NVIDIA are close together at 1440p and 2160p with Low quality settings, moving to 2160p with High quality settings pretty much busts the NVIDIA SLI setup. It’s difficult to say for sure on the basis of a single SLI setup, but it looks like the memory requirements at these settings may be overwhelming the 3GB NVIDIA cards, especially in light of the GTX Titan Black’s unusual performance lead over the GTX 780 Ti. The additional buffer handling for SLI further eats into the pool of memory available for these cards, which in turn further hamstrings performance.

Thief - Surround/4K - Delta Percentages

Thief - Delta Percentages

On the other hand, other than the GTX 780 SLI’s initial bottoming out in this benchmark, NVIDIA does deliver stronger frame pacing performance. In both cases the 295X2 delivers acceptable consistency, staying under 20% variance, but it’s still a wider degree of variance than what we’re seeing with the GTX 780 Ti SLI setup.

Total War: Rome 2 GRID 2
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  • Saifur - Monday, December 8, 2014 - link

    Hello , can someone please advice , i have 4930 K , OC to 4.3 Ghz , 16 gig ram also OC ( slightly ) and i am planning on getting the r9 295x2 . Will the power supply i have be sufficient for this card ? This is my PSU - Cooler Master V850 - 850W . THanks

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