Power Consumption

With a more reasonable sized drive in house, we're able to find out just how power efficient the Octane really is. At idle, the drive still uses more power than the competition but under load it's actually quite good - about on par with SandForce's SF-2281 (or better depending on the workload).

Drive Power Consumption - Idle

Drive Power Consumption - Sequential Write

Drive Power Consumption - Random Write

Performance Over Time & TRIM Final Words
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  • Xpage - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    Thank you for the review on a model that is more down to earth on its cost.
  • JonnyDough - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    I second that. I'm glad you went with a lower capacity model. I wish you had included a first generation Vertex drive, along with a second for scaling. It may be SATA II, but I'm still using Vertex 2 drives and I would like to see just how modern drives compare.

    Also, it seems to me that the best middle of the road performer here is Patriot's Wildfire drive.
  • realjetavenger - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    I was thinking the same thing. The Kingston HyperX and Patriot Wildfire are at the top of most of the charts and seem to be the real winners here.
  • harshw - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    Hi Anand

    Will you be reviewing mSATA SSDs at any point ? It's the same thing with them - limited PCB space meaning 2-4 NAND chips => much less performance. I'm looking to add some mSATA SSDs to my HTPC and laptop, but where the vendors advertise insane performance, the forums tell another story :)
  • Rick83 - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    A little tip: For small devices go for SLC NAND. That way you still get decent performance (and life-time - with little space there are less replacement blocks, and only so much load-leveling you can do) out of small devices, while only paying about ~2.5x as much - which at the small volumes isn't so dramatic.
  • harshw - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    The cheapest for 20GB SLC mSATA is £100 - that's the Intel 311 series. Is there a 40GB SLC mSATA ? Can't seem to find any

    In any case a Kingston mSATA 60GB with the Phison controller nets for £75 and the OCZ Nocti 60GB with the Sandforce controller is £90~£100. The OCZ Strata 60GB with the Indilinx Eco controller is also around £75 but since there are no reviews and proper tests, can't really figure out which one to buy ...
  • Rick83 - Saturday, January 7, 2012 - link

    Small devices for me are in fact up to 20 GB (I'm running two 8GB SSDs, where MLC might fall short). Above that, there is usually enough space to do decent wear leveling. (Wear is a function of the amount of writes per write block, hence the same amount of data written to a small drive over the same time, means more writes per cell, given the same level of write amplification)

    It depends on your use case as well - for hybrid-caching or silencing down a HDD by putting the swap file on flash, SLC is probably the better choice, but for portable applications, MLC always wins due to size being more important than performance.
  • Ammaross - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    They've already benched the Intel mSATA devices. I'd go with MLC simply for cost effective reasons. In a year or two if you even are remotely worried about your NAND life, go buy another drive with the now twice the capacity and half the price.... (btw, NAND lifespan isn't near as important as it used to be. You're far more likely to drop-kick your Atom CPU well before your NAND dies).
  • Samus - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    You are so sexy!
  • Tchamber - Wednesday, December 28, 2011 - link

    I liked your comment about how many Velociraptors we could RAID for the price of an SSD. I have two 300gig 'Raptors in my desktop, backed by an i7 970. Funny thing, my Core 2 Quad latop with and Intel SSD 320 120gig feels every bit as snappy, even better when booting or loading PSE. I should put the SSD in my desktop for a day and see what my file transfers would be.

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