NVIDIA Free To Play 2014 Fall Bundle

Going along with their Ubisoft Bundle for high-end GPUs, NVIDIA also announced an updated Fall 2014 Free To Play gaming bundle that applies to their "mainstream" GPUs. As with...

2 by Jarred Walton on 11/4/2014

NVIDIA and Ubisoft Team Up for Pick Your Path Gaming Promotion

This morning NVIDIA announced a new gaming bundle for their top GPUS. New buyers of GTX 980, 970, 780 Ti, or 780 desktop GPUs qualify for the offer, along...

14 by Jarred Walton on 11/4/2014

Acer Announces UHD V Nitro Black Edition Laptop

Back in late September, Acer announced a new line of laptops, the V Nitro Black Edition of their popular V series. The V series in many ways is the...

20 by Jarred Walton on 11/3/2014

MSI GT80 Titan: A Beastly Notebook with a Cherry MX Keyboard

Yesterday MSI announced their latest notebook addition, the GT80 Titan. I'm a bit unsure what to think of the notebook, but it's obviously unique in that it offers a...

34 by Jarred Walton on 10/31/2014

Civilization: Beyond Earth CrossFire with Mantle SFR: Not Actually Broken!

Yesterday after an all-day session of benchmarking on Wednesday, we published our initial performance results for Civilization: Beyond Earth. As can often be the case with limited testing, we...

61 by Jarred Walton on 10/24/2014

Investigating NVIDIA's BatteryBoost with MSI GT72

BatteryBoost initially launched with the GTX 800M series earlier this year, and our first look at the technology came with the MSI GT70 with GTX 880M. That may not...

26 by Jarred Walton on 10/23/2014

Benchmarked - Civilization: Beyond Earth

One of the longest running gaming franchises around, the Civilization series goes all the way back to my high school years. There have been many changes along the way...

73 by Jarred Walton on 10/23/2014

NVIDIA 344.48 WHQL Drivers Available; DSR Added To Fermi & Kepler

NVIDIA just released their latest driver updates today, bringing us up to version 344.48. These are WHQL certified drivers, and they're also Game Ready for several upcoming titles. NVIDIA...

41 by Jarred Walton on 10/22/2014

AMD APU Price Cuts and Bundles, October 2014

AMD officially announced price cuts on their current APU product stack yesterday, which means the cost of a "mainstream" AMD system is now $20-$30 lower than before. Here's the...

24 by Jarred Walton on 10/22/2014

Massdrop Infinity: A Fully Customizable 60% Keyboard

Try this one on for size: a compact 60% keyboard with mechanical switches, with a fully customizable layout. Officially launched this past Wednesday and available as a group buy...

36 by Jarred Walton on 10/17/2014

MSI GT72 Dominator Pro: Performance Preview

NVIDIA just launched their new GTX 980M/GTX 970M GPUs, and unfortunately we were unable to get a notebook in time for testing… which just changed a few hours ago...

53 by Jarred Walton on 10/8/2014

More GeForce GTX 980M/970M Notebooks

Continuing with our GTX 980M/GTX 970M coverage, I expect we'll see press releases and website updates from all of the major notebook vendors today or very soon, as all...

9 by Jarred Walton on 10/7/2014

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980M and GTX 970M: Mobile to the Maxwell

Every year NVIDIA launches quite a few new products; some are better than others, but they're all interesting. This fall, the big news is Maxwell 2.0, aka GM204. Initially...

68 by Jarred Walton on 10/7/2014

MSI Gaming Notebooks with GeForce GTX 980M and 970M

As noted in the conclusion of our GTX 980M/GTX 970M launch article, we're going to be covering some of the notebooks that are being announced today in separate Pipeline...

13 by Jarred Walton on 10/7/2014

Benchmarked - Metro: Last Light Redux

Last month 4A Games released updated versions of the two earlier games in the Metro series, Metro 2033 Redux and Metro: Last Light Redux. The games have both been...

29 by Jarred Walton on 10/2/2014

AMD Releases Catalyst 14.9 Drivers

It seems like it's been a long time since we've seen a WHQL driver release from AMD… and it has been. The previous WHQL driver dates back to April...

36 by Jarred Walton on 9/29/2014

Lenovo Acquisition of IBM's x86 Server Business Closing October 1

Lenovo announced today that they have satisfied the conditions needed to complete the acquisition of IBM's x86 server business, and the parties expect to finalize the deal and close...

18 by Jarred Walton on 9/29/2014

PayPal Announces Bitcoin Support

It's been a long time in coming, but PayPal announced in a blog post today that they have partnered with BitPay, Coinbase, and GoCoin to allow merchants to accept...

36 by Jarred Walton on 9/23/2014

NVIDIA Announces SLI LED Bridges

For those that just can't get enough bling in their cases, NVIDIA today announced the availability of SLI LED bridges, available for the time being exclusively through the NVIDIA...

41 by Jarred Walton on 9/23/2014

NVIDIA 344.11 & 344.16 Drivers Available

In the crazy rush to wrap up the GeForce GTX 980 review in time for the NDA lift yesterday, news of the first R343 driver release may have been...

39 by Jarred Walton on 9/19/2014

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