Intel: More Details on Penryn and Nehalem

by Johan De Gelas on 3/28/2007 3:00 PM EST
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  • cornfedone - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    Intel knows they are about to get punished again by AMD so they are greasing the skids to get the media hype they need to delude consumers into believing Intel's products will still be competitive after Barcelona, when the facts prove otherwise.

    Hey if nothing else, Intel is good for a laugh. It's nice to see those criminals squirm for a change. It's only gonna get worse when they get to court and AMD proves that Intel violated law over and over and over again in their obsession to eliminate competition.

  • fitten - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - link

    Intel couldn't, and wouldn't, eliminate AMD. In fact, Intel would probably float AMD a loan, if it came to it, in order to keep AMD afloat simply to avoid the backlash of other potential monopoly charges should AMD disappear.

    Plus, Penryn is the next thing up for Intel, supposedly out around the time as AMD's Barcelona (later this year - which is 2007). Nahelem is out in 2008-ish and does even more (according to the dates listed, a year before AMD's Fusion which is slated for 2009).

    All I can do is laugh giddily because I have no allegiance to either CPU maker. I simply buy what is the best bang for the buck (for a long time now, it was AMD and I've had about a dozen AMD boxes) which, for the next couple/few years, looks like it's going to be Intel. If nothing else, the competition will kick AMD into overdrive and competition will get even hotter... and I benefit regardless of who is on top.
  • johnsonx - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    ah, Cramitpal, how we missed you!
  • Crassus - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - link

    Oh year, those were the days ...
  • amdsupport - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link


    Intel knows they are about to get punished again by AMD so they are greasing the skids to get the media hype they need to delude consumers into believing Intel's products will still be competitive after Barcelona, when the facts prove otherwise.

    Congratulations! You've just constructed the 4millionth floor on the edifice of stupidity.

    Seriously...there is no basis for claiming AMD's new stuff(or rather, refreshed) will exceed Intel's offerings. ">Anandtech themselves claimed in a previous article that "AMD could come close to offering something competitive to Intel." That sounds like AMD will only bring themselves back in line with Intel's current offerings...not exceed or punish as you claim.

    As far as the court proceedings go...any result from it at best would result with a simple "slap on the wrist" punishment at best.

  • Justin Case - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - link

    If the numbers I've been hearing are right (and they probably are), AMD will get ahead of Intel in terms of floating-point performance, and will extend its lead in terms of memory performance (Intel's real Achilles's heel in HPC and servers).

    On the desktop, they'll be more or less matched with Barcelona, but AMD's Fusion could tip the scales in its favor for gaming systems.

    Intel will probably retain its lead in mobile platforms, but I don't have much real data on Barcelona's power-saving features, so I really can't say for sure.

    Penryn should put Intel back in the lead on the desktop (Fusion being the unknown factor here) and bring them pretty close in servers (Intel is still trying to push Itanium, so there are a lot of internal conflicts about server-oriented improvements, which gives AMD a bit of slack).

    All in all, it's business as usual: Intel is better at manufacturing and optimization, AMD takes more risks with design (and, with all the great engineers they hired from DEC, Intel, IBM, ATI, etc., they seem quite capable of pulling it off).
  • Phynaz - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    Is the sound of piss running down Hectors leg.
  • HammerFan - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    I really like to see this kind of information, that neither company is sitting down and saying "enough's enough." I wonder though, if Intel is going to use their own graphics systems in their all-in-one chip, or if they'll turn to nVidia/ ATi for a graphics solution. As for chipset manufacturers, how well they do will largely depend on the features they can pack into their SB's IMHO, as that's largely what I look for when I want a new MB, since performance from board to board doesn't vary that much anyway.
  • chucky2 - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    Yeah, I'd myself really like to see AMD, Intel, and nVidia adding support of native 1394b (Firewire 800) in their chipsets, so products like that can start moving forward.

    Having eSATA would be nice as well...

  • tumbleweed - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    The earlier a company discloses what their plans are, the earlier they get feedback on how the public likes or dislikes some of their plans.

    Think about how much money Intel could have saved if they'd realized much earlier how badly the public hated RAMBUS.
  • sdsdv10 - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - link

    Yes, I agree early disclosure is a good thing, but let's clarify the "public" doesn't hate RAMBUS. Most of the "public" doesn't know who Rambus is or even care. The only ones who hate Rambus is a minority of tech geeks who can't move on.
  • feelingshorter - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    So Intel will finally use a IMC like AMD. Does that mean overclocking will be relatively flat across the board? If all the CPUs of the same stepping have the same IMC, then overclocks will be less motherboard dependent wont it? Or am I confusing IMC with something else? That also means all the chip manufactures will have to find new business. Although they can continue to manufacture motherboards, we've seen what happened to companies in the past when AMD decided to use IMC.
  • tuteja1986 - Thursday, March 29, 2007 - link

    Well we will have to wait till Q2 of 2008 to see if intel cliams are true or not. Till then my eyes lay on AMD's Barcelona architecture since its coming out this year and if AMD claims are right then it should be able to beat up a intel offering.
  • Locutus465 - Wednesday, March 28, 2007 - link

    Oh yeah, you hit the nail on the head... Much more important than the actual performance gains is the fact that neither company is going to be sititing on their laurals putting out bad or otherwise unexciting products out for the forseeable future.

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