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  • Silver47 - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Did... did they just design the equivalent of a network? That's awesome!
  • easp - Friday, April 4, 2014 - link

  • Silver47 - Saturday, April 5, 2014 - link

    *cough* whoops meant network switch
  • TheSlamma - Monday, April 7, 2014 - link

    Not even close. Typical uplink cable on an AP is 1GB interface, switches have 10GB fiber. The switching capacity on AP's is also bad comedy how weak it is. a decent 48 port network switch will have over 100GB switching capacity.
  • nathanddrews - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Cool! So... how much? j/k
  • simonpschmitt - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    OT: Am I the only one who cn only see the first 7 columns of the table? I'm using chrome and when I zoom to 110% I can see a fraction of the next column.
    Just thought someone at Anandtech should know.
  • SuperSpy00bob - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Same here, Chrome 33 on Win 8.1 x64 and I can only see 7 columns total.
  • Ammaross - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Got to love fixed-width CSS. Can't overlap those pretty sidebar advertisements or news channels...
  • ZeDestructor - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Same here on Firefox 29 beta 4.
  • Ian Cutress - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Trying to make the table more readable without losing information, give me a minute :)
  • Ian Cutress - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Should be ok now!
  • ltcommanderdata - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    There are four lights!
  • HigherState - Saturday, April 5, 2014 - link

    Nice TNG reference
  • ZeDestructor - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Thank you.
  • nathanddrews - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Chrome Version 33.0.1750.154 on Win 7 x64 Enterprise. I could see all 8 columns and still can.
  • azazel1024 - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Maybe Qualcomms products are different, but reading up on MU:MIMO, I thought a MU:MIMO basestation and client were ONLY required to support multiuser Tx AND Rx. With a MU:MIMO basestation it would still support multiuser Tx, its just that Rx from the clients would be limited to round robin CDMA limitations.
  • extide - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    It would actually be TDMA, not CDMA, in that case :)
  • MikhailT - Thursday, April 3, 2014 - link

    Wait, am I misreading the table but is there no new ac chipset for the notebooks? It's still stuck at 3x3?
  • BMNify - Saturday, April 5, 2014 - link

    11ac kit today irritates me in that the spec clearly states up to 8x8 Ariel/transceiver configurations 160MHz and 8 In tokens 8bits/symbol are consumed for 256QAM ( why no 4096-QAM that provides 12 bits/symbol today) and yet we are still at crappy 2x2/3x3 and even single channel in mobile devices today....

    its simple to print mass produce fractal Ariel's inside cases and so 8x8 would fit perfectly fine in any mobile device today so take the the spec and make at least some full spec devices we can and actually want to buy today...

    even these new SOC are only using 80MHz 4x4 at best, wheres the incentive to buy slow kit today

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