Appro's 4-way Xeon MP server was a bit different than Intel's solution although they performed the same and used Tyan's Thunder GC-HE S4520 motherboard:

The biggest advantage Appro has is the presence of 10 removable drive bays as opposed to Intel's 5:

The Appro server features three hot swappable power supplies, much like the Intel solution:

With the top off the Appro is very similar to the Intel server:

There is no protective cover on the motherboard and you must unscrew the memory riser card to get it out:

The Appro heatsinks are thankfully much easier to remove than the Intel heatsinks:

Four screws hold the heatsinks in place:

Thumbscrews hold the Appro case fans in place:


Xeon MP Servers from Appro & Intel Performance: Asking the Right Questions
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