ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 (845PE)

by Evan Lieb on January 13, 2003 12:08 PM EST

Final Words

After thoroughly benchmarking and stress testing ABIT’s flagship Pentium 4 motherboard (IT7 MAX2 V.2), we came to several conclusions.

  1. For those users that are on a tight budget and simply need a fast and cheap motherboard, the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 isn’t ideal. Clearly the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 is not targeted at the budget/value market, so it shouldn’t be surprising in the least that we don’t recommend the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 motherboard for price conscience users.

  2. For those users that are simply interested in a feature-filled, fast, and reasonably priced motherboard, the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 is quite decent. Its price is a bit steep for this category, but the features and performance it brings to the table are just too overwhelming not to give the IT7 MAX2 V.2 an honorable mention in this category.

  3. For those users that desire a flexible, feature-filled and overclockable motherboard no matter the price, the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 couldn’t be a more perfect choice. The ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 is an excellent overclocker and has a good deal of tweaking options available in the BIOS as well (DRAM adjustments among other options). Of course, it goes without saying that the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 is loaded with features. In fact, taking into account the IT7 MAX2 V.2’s bundled accessories and ABIT’s outstanding U.S. Technical Support and RMA policy, we would have to say that the ABIT IT7 MAX2 V.2 is the most complete Pentium 4 motherboard solution currently available on the market.

Stay tuned for coverage on highly anticipated motherboard and chipset technologies such as Intel’s Springdale/Canterwood chipset and NVIDIA, SiS, VIA and AMD Hammer chipsets.

High-End Workstation Performance (continued...)
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