Performance Test Configuration

Performance Test Configuration

Intel Pentium 4 2.26GHz
512MB Corsair PC3200 CAS2.0 Modules
256MB Corsair PC3200 CAS2.0 Modules
Hard Drive(s):
Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM Special Edition (8MB Buffer)
Bus Master Drivers:
Intel INF Update v. 4.04.1012
Intel Application Accelerator v2.3
SiS AGP v.1.13
Video Card(s):
ASUS V8460 Ultra NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4600
Video Drivers:
NVIDIA Detonator 40.72 (WHQL Certified)
Operation System(s):
Windows XP Professional SP1
ABIT IT7 MAX2 Rev 2 (845PE)
Albatron PX845PEV Pro (845PE)
ASUS P4G8X Deluxe (E7205)
ASUS P4T533-C (850E)
Gigabyte SINXP1394 (SiS 655)
MSI 655 Max (SiS 655)

All performance tests run on SiS 655-based motherboards utilized two 256MB Corsair XMS PC3200 modules set to CAS 2/2T/6T/2T timings and running at 266MHz, 333MHz and 400MHz (dual channel). MSI's 655 board was the only exception, running at CAS2.5. Any other performance-enhancing timings (like Command Rate or Bank Interleave) were enabled in SiS 655-based motherboards that contained such timings.

All performance tests run on E7205-based motherboards utilized two 256MB Corsair XMS PC3200 modules set to CAS 2/2T/5T/2T timings and running at 266MHz (dual channel). Any other performance-enhancing timings (like Command Rate or Bank Interleave) were enabled in E7205-based motherboards that contained such timings.

All performance tests run on 845PE motherboards utilized one 512MB Corsair XMS PC3200 module set to CAS 2/2T/5T/2T timings and running at 333MHz. Any other performance-enhancing timings (like Command Rate or Bank Interleave) were enabled in motherboards that contained such timings.

The AnandTech Motherboard Testbed was Sponsored by Newegg. You can buy the components we used to test at

Gigabyte SINXP1394: Tech Support and RMA Content Creation & General Usage Performance
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