Performance Test Configuration

 Performance Test Configuration
Processor(s): AMD Athlon XP 3200+ (400MHz FSB)
RAM: 2 x 256MB Corsair PC3200 TwinX LL (v1.1) Modules (SPD rated at CAS 2-2-2-6)
Hard Drive(s): Western Digital 120GB 7200 RPM Special Edition (8MB Buffer)
Bus Master Drivers: NVIDIA nForce version 2.03 (January 30, 2003)
VIA 4in1 Hyperion 4.47 (May 20, 2003)
Video Card(s): MSI GeForce4 Ti 4600 (AGP 4X)
Video Drivers: NVIDIA Detonator 44.03 (May 14, 2003)
Operation System(s): Windows XP Professional SP1
Motherboards: Gigabyte 7NNXP (nForce2 Ultra 400) @ 202.77MHz FSB
Epox 8KRA2+ (KT600) @ 202.44MHz FSB

All performance tests run on nForce2 Ultra 400 motherboards utilized two 256MB Corsair TwinX LL PC3200 (v1.1) modules set to CAS 2-2-2-5 timings, running in dual channel DDR400 mode. All performance tests run on the KT600-based 8KRA2+ utilized the two Corsair modules listed in the chart above with the following performance settings enabled.

DDR400 Timings (2/3 banks populated)
Clock Speed: 200MHz
Timing Mode: Ultra
CAS Latency: 2.0
Bank Interleave: 4-bank
RAS to CAS Delay: 2T
RAS Precharge: 6T
Precharge Delay: 2T
Command Rate: 1T

  • AGP fast write enabled
  • AGP Aperture set to 128MB

Epox 8KRA2+: Tech Support and RMA Content Creation Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Friday, July 25, 2003 - link

    What about stability? Does it perform better than Nforce2 400? same as KT400A does compared to Nforce2?
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 19, 2003 - link

    What about ECC memory support. A mobo that offers RAID w/o ECC is useless!.bh.
  • Anonymous User - Friday, July 18, 2003 - link

    You complain about the AGP/PCI bus being out of spec. It's a whole 2.5/pci and 5 mhz AGP out of spec. I don't know of any hardware that would have a problem at those speeds. You either ran out of headroom with the chip or the board just won't go past 215-220 or so. Hopefully you'll find out with other KT600 test boards.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 12, 2003 - link

    It's just strange because right after he says he still highly recommends the board, he goes on to suggest that people buy an Nforce2 board if they can afford it. I don't know why he would highly recommend a board with "mediocre" performance.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, July 12, 2003 - link

    I don't see why this board is still "highly recommended" after all the negative comments regarding the board.
  • Anonymous User - Thursday, July 10, 2003 - link

    Guess some few points were missing in the review: Performance of integrated LAN, IDE and Audio. Remember that nForce2 has a very low CPU utilization in all these three groups. Also the comparison of Audio DSP, 3D sound, ... were missing.
  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, July 8, 2003 - link

    including the older kt400 series results would be nice...
  • Zuni - Sunday, July 6, 2003 - link

    Almost every large website worldwide uses flash.,, etc almost every ad these days is in flash. Most of the larger sites use flash for navigation and other fancy effects. We're just using it for graphing :)
  • Zuni - Sunday, July 6, 2003 - link

    Err smaller in size :)
  • Zuni - Sunday, July 6, 2003 - link

    The reason they are in flash is bandwidth, they are over 50% small in size. We hear your feedback though.

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