Printed Media

Seek Times - Pressed CD 74:40.02
Drive Random Full
ASUS DRW-0402P/D 123ms 163ms
Gigabyte GO-W0404A 92ms 187ms
LiteOn LDW-411S 88ms 179ms
MSI DR4-A 128ms 188ms
MSI DR8-A 76ms 145ms
NEC 1300A 121ms 183ms
Nu Tech DDW-081 102ms 167ms
Plextor 708A 94ms 167ms
Sony DRU-530A 125ms 199ms

Seek Times - Pressed DVD
Drive Random Full
ASUS DRW-0402P/D 145ms 188ms
Gigabyte GO-W0404A 142ms 173ms
LiteOn LDW-411S 120ms 196ms
MSI DR4-A 166ms 249ms
MSI DR8-A 117ms 170ms
NEC 1300A 124ms 167ms
Nu Tech DDW-081 135ms 144ms
Plextor 708A 170ms 228ms
Sony DRU-530A 175ms 242ms

The CD and DVD seek times were exceptionally good on the DR8-A. We found this to be slightly unusual, since we could not find advertised seek times anywhere. Even though Plextor's 708A uses the same Sanyo controller, we can tell the 708A and the DR8-A use very different pickups.

We used various DVD and CD media around the lab for this portion of the benchmark. We attempted to use discs that contained no errors or scratches. Higher read speed averages are better.

Read - Pressed CD
Drive Average Read Length
ASUS DRW-0402P/D 25.10X 74:43.00
Gigabyte GO-W0404A 30.42X 74:43.00
LiteOn LDW-411S 30.39X 74:43.00
MSI DR4-A 30.81X 74:43.00
MSI DR8-A 30.62X 74:43.00
NEC 1300A 31.01X 74:43.00
Nu Tech DDW-081 32.22X 74:43.00
Plextor 708A 31.66X 74:43.00
Sony DRU-530A 31.59X 74:43.00

Read - DVDR
Drive Average Read Length
ASUS DRW-0402P/D 4.62X 4.38GB
Gigabyte GO-W0404A 5.22X 4.38GB
LiteOn LDW-411S 5.23X 4.38GB
MSI DR4-A 4.05X 4.38GB
MSI DR8-A 4.04X 4.38GB
NEC 1300A 3.66X 4.38GB
Nu Tech DDW-081 6.26X 4.38GB
Plextor 708A 6.05X 4.38GB
Sony DRU-530A 3.48X 4.38GB

Read - Pressed DVD Video
Drive Average Read Length
ASUS DRW-0402P/D 2.18X 7.88GB
Gigabyte GO-W0404A 9.26X 7.88GB
LiteOn LDW-411S 9.24X 7.88GB
MSI DR4-A 2.04X 7.88GB
MSI DR8-A 9.01X 7.88GB
NEC 1300A 3.66X 7.88GB
Nu Tech DDW-081 3.11X 7.88GB
Plextor 708A 9.14X 7.88GB
Sony DRU-530A 2.01X 7.88GB

Unusually, the DR8-A refused to read speeds higher than 4X on DVDR media, and no higher than 6X on dual layer DVDs. DVD and CD reads were right about where we expected on the DR8-A. Eject time was measured at 2.38s.

Burn Tests DVD RW Media Final Thoughts
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  • jonahXP - Thursday, April 15, 2004 - link

    "Before our 8x dual DVD roundup..."

    When will this article be online? I'm looking forward to reading it before I buy a DVD burner.
  • richardkenward - Tuesday, April 13, 2004 - link

    I bought one of these drives in the UK a month ago and had nothing but trouble from the start and MSI were no help. On Verbatum data life CD's it starts writing about 1cm from the centre. I write image files on this writer and want them to be read on both PC's and Macs. The CD's have been unreliable on the PC's and failed on the Mac...well only a few images open then one will totally lock it up. The write veridfication always shows up errors. A trial DVD write was sucesssful but took perhaps an hour to complete!

    Tried a TDK R74 CD and the write started in the centre but the image files opened sooo slowly on the MSI drive, and the CD was not seen at all on the Mac! BTW latest firmware was installed and no improvement seen.

    Supplier has sent a replacement and much the same result. Has suggested that I need to update the Chipset on the M board and install SP 4 inplace of 3 on the win2k computer I am using with the MSI drive. Surely this should not be necessary? BTW this box has been running a PlextorW2410TA perfectly for ages, and was only changed to get the facility to burn DVD's.

    Thanks for reading. Any help would be appreciated.
  • Ian@CDRlabs - Sunday, April 11, 2004 - link

    You had it finished back in February? Why the wait?
  • KristopherKubicki - Sunday, April 11, 2004 - link


    We had the review finished before the 130D firmware came out. We have a nice sized roundup coming up with the MSI retested at the new firmware.

  • Ian@CDRlabs - Friday, April 9, 2004 - link

    After reading it over, I have a couple of other comments.

    While MSI claims that the DR8-A supports 99 minute discs, it really doesn't. It can recognize discs up to 93:58 in size and overburn to about that limit as well.

    Kristopher you also make it sound like the NEC 2500A cannot write to 4x DVD+R media at 8x. It can.. just not as well as some drives, like the DR8-A.

    Any reason why you didn't use the 130D firmware?
  • Ian@CDRlabs - Friday, April 9, 2004 - link

    ViRGE brings up a good point. However, the error correction HD-Burn uses is not CIRC (nor is it overburning). It's a more efficient algorythm that requires less disc space for error correction info. Even then, I do have to agree with some of the people at CD Freaks. The quality of the written data is questionable with some media.
  • KristopherKubicki - Friday, April 9, 2004 - link

    Virge: Youre not really halving the error correction, youre halving the tolerance for error. However, this isnt much different than people who overburn their CDs either. In some cases it may make more sense.

    Whether you want to use it or not is entirely determined by the user of course. For noncritical data, it is a nice convienence.

  • MadAd - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    I take it HD-Burn disks will only play in compliant drives and not in any old cd-rom? I cant seem to find the answer on any of the links given.

    #3 ... Perhaps half the error correction wouldnt be so bad if we are talking about cds of mp3s?
  • ViRGE - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    I don't think it's really a good idea to call HD-Burn a good feature on this drive. Why? Take a look at this post from CD-Freaks(

    HD-Burn will just *halve* the pit length on the CD, so double the data (and effectively half the error correction).

    Now I don't know about you, but CDs are bad enough as is as far as integrity goes. I'm not about to try to halve the error correction, even for another 700MB of space.
  • kuk - Thursday, April 8, 2004 - link

    I'm afraid of Mr. CD-R ... I think he'll eat my CD collection at night.

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