Final Thoughts

From the benchmark results, we have learned that acrylic has its positive aspects as well as its negatives. Besides the visual blemishes that may occur to the surface of acrylic, its performance isn't all that great compared to metal cases when it comes to heat. Components run hotter, like in the BeanTech BT-85, if a good number of fans are not used, unlike metal cases, which dissipate heat better than plastics. In our heat benchmarks, SunBeam Technologies' LAC-UVT performed the best out of the lineup with the lowest temperatures on our test bed. Though it did not include any case fans, the substitutes that we used simulated normal conditions in the case, and did not disappoint. The LAC-UVT does have a hefty price tag in the mid to upper $100's; especially since it does not come with case fans.

ClearPC's Secret Agent also performed well due to its smaller design and use of the larger 120mm fan. It helped exhaust warm air from the 9700Pro well and the machined out slots above the CPU aided in quick drainage of heat from that area. The Secret Agent was slightly expensive at $149, compared to BeanTech and Logisys' $80 range.

In our sound tests, the ClearPC Secret Agent performed the quietest, again due to its larger 120mm fan. Though it had two 40mm fans, they did not have a great effect on the noise levels. BeanTech's BT-85 came second in our noise tests due to it having four 80mm fans instead of the LAC-UVT's and CS888CL's five.

In the end, it comes down to personal preference with acrylic cases. The four contenders in our round-up varied in features and had both positive and negative aspects to each model. The BT-85 had a removable tray while the others didn't; the Secret Agent had a flimsy mounting for add-on cards; and, the left panel on the LAC-UVT was obviously not a good design, since it could not be slipped in if fans were mounted on it. After looking at our results, it was obvious the BeanTech BT-85 came out on top with the best price for its performance. The BT-85 is clearly the most reliable clear chassis pick in this clear chassis roundup.

Sound Benchamarks
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  • CrimsonDeath - Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - link

    Cool cases!
    I once dropped mine and it shattered into a million pieces as if it was made from glass!
    So handle with care ppl.
  • artifex - Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - link

    It'd be nice to know what those earlier cases look like now, after a year of use. Did you keep them in the labs for extended testing, and if so, what can you tell us about them? Have they undergone any discoloration, have any cracks started appearing, has heat become an issue over time, causing any warping, etc.?

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