DirectX 8 & Open GL Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The same pattern of Asus and Gigabyte topping the gaming charts is seen in DirectX 8 and Open GL games, but in these benchmarks, they are joined by Abit. These three motherboards top the benchmarks for all 6 DX8/OpenGL games. We still see Gigabyte and Asus in the top few positions of the boards tested in all the benchmarks.

The biggest surprise in the roundup is the rather average performance of the DFI LANParty at stock speeds. Perhaps this has to do with the tested board being a very early production sample. As you can see, test results of the DFI generally top Intel, but they are toward the bottom of results compared with these five boards. We have seen reports of incredible overclocking with phase-change cooling on the DFI, and we wonder if the slightly more relaxed results at stock speeds may be part of what will likely end up as one of the better overclocking boards using the 925X/915 chipset. We will withhold final judgment until we get a chance to evaluate a release production board with all the final tweaks and a finished BIOS.

DirectX 9 Gaming Performance Final Words
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  • jdoor0 - Tuesday, October 26, 2004 - link

    This review has been reviewed:
  • Nige - Tuesday, October 12, 2004 - link

    Does the ASUS P5AD2 Deluxe motherboard have the same overclocking capability as the P5AD2 Premium?
  • skiboysteve - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    Wow nice catch. i guess my "(I know... toms sucks)" disclaimer came true.

    yaeh i understand.
  • Wesley Fink - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    #26 -
    There is now an apology to Asus up at THG. They measured the voltage wrong. We had also measured the voltage and found 1.5 to 1.55 which is well within spec, not 2.1 as they reported. They now acknowledge the correct voltage measurement for the P5AD2 is 1.53V.

    High Northbridge voltage is not the reason the Asus, or any other 925X/915 board, overclocks well. There are far too many simple and wrong explanations for the complex overclocking issues of the 925X/915 chipsets.
  • skiboysteve - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    Page 10
    "...Broadcom attached to the faster PCI Express bus..."

    there is no PCI Express bus, its a point to point protocal.

    Just nitpicking.

    Great review.

    Also, over at Toms (I know... toms sucks) they looked at 9x5 Boards over there and showed that the Asus P5AD2 was running at an astounding 2.1v on the northbridge (1.5v is the stock)

    Something might have to be mentioned about reliability of such out of spec behavior, and cooling concerns. You might want to conduct your own quick test on the voltage with a multimeter.
  • broberts - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    One of the problems with these arguments is that the FX-53 is almost 20% more expensive.

    I've been thinking for a while now that benchmarks should show some form of pricing index so that one can better judge the advantage/disadvantage of the various choices. Just quoting prices isn't ideal, for a host of reasons. I'd suggest, instead, a relative measure. And not just the cost of the particular component being benchmarked. Calculate the cost of the each system used in the benchmarks. Pick one, perhaps the lowest or highest cost one and calculate the relative difference in price. I suggest using the entire system because quite often the choice of one component dictates the available choices for other components. Ideally a relative measure for both the components and entire system would be calculated and published.
  • manno - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    Moo Moo MOO.
  • manno - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    why no Doom3?
  • Wesley Fink - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    #21 -
    We will definitely be including Doom 3 benches in future reviews. The only reason they are not included in this 925X roundup is because most of the testing was completed before we had a working copy of Doom 3. You can get a clear idea of how the 925X/Intel 560 performs in Doom 3 in Anand's Doom 3: CPU Battlegrounds review published August 4th at
  • kherman - Thursday, August 12, 2004 - link

    Umm, Doom 3 benches?

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