Having launched their Corsair One small form-factor PCs, as well as Bulldog PCs for the living room, Corsair is now entering the market of mainstream gaming machines with its Vengeance series of computers. The new systems are Micro-ATX PCs designed for gamers looking for performance and style, but not necessarily looking to build a machine themselves.

The Corsair Vengeance family of PCs currently includes two models — the Vengeance 5180 and the Vengeance 5185 — which use a Micro-ATX version the company’s Crystal Series 280X RGB case. The 680X offers two chambers, three tempered glass windows, and supports multiple RGB LEDs. The latter are clearly intended to be a defining feature of the new line of systems, so Corsair had equipped its Vengeance systems with 125 individually addressable RGB LEDs throughout these PCs, and which can be controlled using the company’s iCue software.

The more affordable Vengeance 5180 is based on Intel’s Core i7-8700, which is paired with MSI’s B360 motherboard, 16 GB of DDR4 memory, a 480 GB SSD, and a 2 TB hard drive. The more advanced Vengeance 5185 is powered by Intel’s Core i7-9700K and is accompanied by MSI’s Z390 motherboard, 16 GB of DDR4, a 480 GB SSD, and a 2 TB HDD. Both machines include MSI’s GeForce RTX 2080 graphics card, so performance of the two systems should be rather close in today's largely GPU-bound games.


Just like other gaming PCs from Corsair, the Vengeance family uses off-the-shelf components, yet comes in a custom chassis. And, since it is cheaper to build a Micro-ATX (both in terms of components and labor), Corsair’s Vengeance PCs are less costly than the company’s Corsair One SFF machines.

Specifications of Corsair Vengeance 5180-Series Gaming PCs
Model Vengeance 5180 Vengeance 5185
Product ID CS-9030001-NA CS-9030002-NA
CPU Core i7-8700
3.2 GHz Base
4.6 GHz Turbo
65 W
Core i7-9700K
3.6 GHz Base
4.9 GHz Turbo
95 W
GPU MSI GeForce RTX 2080 8 GB GDDR6
Cooling CPU Corsair's closed-loop air+liquid cooling system
GPU MSI's air cooling system
DRAM Corsair Vengeance RGB 16 GB DDR4-2667
Motherboard MSI Intel B360
MSI Intel Z390
Storage SSD Corsair Force MP300 480 GB
Wireless none 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth 4.2
PSU Corsair CX750 750 W
80 Plus Bronze
Corsair TX650M 650 W
80 Plus Gold
Connectors Front 2 × USB 3.1 Gen 1
Headphone Jack
Mic Jack
Back ? 2 × USB 3.1 Gen 2 (Type-A and Type-C)
4 × USB 3.1 Gen 1
3 × DisplayPort
1 × HDMI
1 × VirtualLink
Dimensions  398mm (L) × 276mm (W) × 351mm (H)
Warranty 2 years
OS Windows 10 Home
MSRP $2,399 $2,499

Corsair’s Vengeance PCs are available now directly from the company in the US. The Vengeance 5180 costs $2,399, whereas the more powerful Vengeance 5185 runs for $2,499.

Related Reading:

Source: Corsair

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  • Aouniat - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    2400$ for 8700 & 2080 & a b360 motherboard? Way overpriced!
  • DanNeely - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    All those frag harder disco blights make it a premium product that they can fleece sheeple for. And actually it's a lot less of a markup over the components than I was expecting.
  • milkywayer - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    Lets do the math. As if we were building an SFF PC ourselves. I built something similar last year.

    CPU + MoBo: $500
    GPU: $800
    SSD+HDD: $200
    RAM + sff PSU: $250
    Good looking SFF case ala Louqe Ghost or Dan Case A4: $200
    Good air/water cooler: $60

    Comes down to around 2000-2100 Dollars. The rest would be for their support/assembly costs. I spent almost 6 hours building my Loque Ghost based PC. The support isn't free either, they've to pay customer support staff. So the $300-400 extra is justified.

    Not bad I'd say. I'd buy it if it weren't for liking other SFF cases better and the option to swap our parts in the future easily.
  • Aouniat - Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - link

    SSD + HDD 200?
    Case 200?
    Ram + ssf psu 250?

    Man you need to keep up with market prices.
  • Opencg - Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - link

    my 9700k and 2080 machine cost about 2k. but of course I got a better mobo, way better case for cooling, one of the best air cpu coolers, 1tb and 500g 970 evo plus 2s, less rgb but better ram, way better psu (overkill but whatever my psu will be rock solid).

    theirs probably cost more like 1800 or less with wholesale discounts. so thats 700ish they charge for labor, tech support / warranty, and profit. definately high but somewhat normal in todays market. and it looks nice and doesnt appear to be gimped in any significant way. pc gaming is actually on the rise and people who have never built a system want stuff like this.
  • bji - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    I miss the days of green functional PCBs and beige boxes.
  • willis936 - Tuesday, May 21, 2019 - link

  • Duraz0rz - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    That case is actually the Crystal 280X, which you can buy off-the-shelf: https://www.corsair.com/us/en/Categories/Products/...

    They also have a version that does not come with RGB LED fans.
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

  • Valantar - Monday, May 20, 2019 - link

    Only $100 between them? Really? That makes no sense at all.

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