Final Words

The Canon PowerShot S60 offers quite a bit of versatility with exposure modes ranging from Auto to Manual. It offers options to record in either RAW or JPG mode. It even has advanced features such as AE and FE lock. In addition, you can use the 9-point AF system or select your own Custom AF point. The S60 has an updated design improving on the layout of the S50.

We found the S60 to be a good performer overall with only a few minor flaws. It put in a solid performance in our fine line resolution test. In our general image quality samples, we found the S60 to provide sharp and even exposures with a pleasant level of saturation. Although we spotted some areas with chromatic aberrations, we feel that this does not detract too much from the general overall quality and is to be expected from a wider lens on a compact camera. We found that the Auto WB setting worked well except under tungsten lighting. However, in tungsten lighting the color reproduction was very accurate when using the "tungsten" or "manual" preset. In our noise tests, we discovered that noise does not really become a problem on the S60 until ISO 400. Also the Macro mode provided a great amount of detail in our experience.

On the other side, there are a few points that could be improved upon. Although the S60 has a decent 1.87 sec. "Shot to Shot w/out Flash" time, the time between flash pictures is pretty slow at 5.5 seconds. Also, we really think Canon should work on Auto WB performance under tungsten lighting. It is a problem that most digicams have, but the S60 seems to have more of a problem than other cameras we have reviewed so far. We were disappointed with the S60's Movie mode considering the low frame rate and limited duration. Despite these few items, we feel that the S60 is a great follow-up to the S50. Beginners will find that this camera takes great pictures with little effort and experienced photographers will enjoy its advanced features and impressive resolution.

Pros Cons
  • Above average resolution for 5mp
  • RAW recording option
  • Great WB with presets
  • Fast Shot to Shot w/out Flash time
  • Very good noise performance
  • Good detail in Macro mode
  • AF-assist lamp
  • Good battery life
  • Accurate skin tones with flash
  • Below average AWB in Tungsten lighting
  • Slow Shot To Shot w/Flash time
  • Chromatic aberrations at wide angle and wider apertures
  • Choppy video clips (slow fps)
  • Duration of video clips is limited

Thanks again to for loaning us the Canon PowerShot S60 for our review.

General Image Quality
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  • buttwhacker - Saturday, September 18, 2004 - link

    I sell cameras so I get a hands on feeling of all cameras, even though I dont do such detailed tests to determine which camera is better than the other it is generally seen that consumers like the look and feel of Canon cameras, I print 8"X10" to see which camera shoots good pictures, so far Canon brand cameras have truly impressed me, even though I personally have a Nikon
  • EddNog - Monday, August 23, 2004 - link

    Just curious...Quiksel, what makes you despise Canon cameras so?
  • Staples - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    Nice review. I have the S30 and it is still kicking just fine. I have yet to find a reason to really upgrade. I think once SLR cameras come within my price range, I will jump for one of them.
  • JustAnAverageGuy - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    Ah. I'll check back later tonight then :)
  • KristopherKubicki - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    The servers are having some troubles today. They have been up and down.

  • JustAnAverageGuy - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    Is it just me or is the server down?

    All I'm seeing are red Xs :(
  • stephencaston - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    #1 thanks for pointing that out. I will change it ASAP.

    #4, Yes it was a really cool wedding too!
  • ronnaZ - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    hey is that anand n that CERTAIN wedding pic ???????
  • jliechty - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    Was just going to say something about the last line in the review, but the first poster beat me to it.

    Yeah, and thanks for the "easter egg"... Nice picture. :)
  • Quiksel - Tuesday, August 17, 2004 - link

    while i pretty much despise all Canon cameras, it was nice to see a "test shot" of Anand and Vinney at his wedding!

    Great easter egg!


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