Meedio Essentials - My Movies

The My Movies sub-menu will be listed according to the method in which the content was scanned (sub-folder or all-in-one folder). Supported media includes: MPEG, DivX, AVI, and WMV. Whatever the scanning method, each file or folder will constitute a single entry and everything will be sorted alphabetically. Note that in the first screenshot below, everything was scanned as "in one folder" except for the "confirmed" entry, which was a folder called "confirmed" scanned in as media "in sub-folders".

Selecting an entry will bring to its details page, where information via the video file's tags if available will be displayed. In our opinion, it would be nice if the scanning option for "all in one folder" keep the directory structure in place like My Pictures. Scrolling through to find specific medium gets tedious, and sometimes you don't get the search parameters correct.

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Hitting play will bring you to a viewing mode where the video image is displayed via scaling (enlarging or shrinking) to fit the screen size while maintaining the aspect ratio, just like ME's picture viewing. The track slider, like in the music function's "now playing" screen or WMP, can have user interaction, and you can get to a specific point in the video file by keyboard/remote commands or using the mouse to slide the track.

Since ME uses DirectX Overlay instead of VMR (default setting), we had to use a combination of DirectX and non-DirectX screencaps and Adobe Photoshop to get the image below, which is basically what you should see for a 16:9 video file on a 1280 x 1024 screen.

Click to enlarge.

Searching movies is similar to the music library, where things can be queried by all information (including tags) and name with query type options: contains, begins with, and ends with. Remember that querying "Friend" (query type: contains), will bring up a listing of files that contain that phrase, even if that is not the whole word in the file(s).

Click to enlarge.

Click to enlarge.

Meedio Essentials – My Music (cont.) Meedio Essentials – My Weather
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  • shuttleboi - Tuesday, September 7, 2004 - link

    It would be helpful if the author would define what "HTPC" means. Any idiot can use an arbitrary acronym or initials.
  • Brazen - Sunday, September 5, 2004 - link

    also, there is GotAllMedia at, another freeware program
  • Brazen - Saturday, September 4, 2004 - link

    I think MediaPortal needs a review. I am also curious about Meedio HomeBot.
  • mcveigh - Saturday, September 4, 2004 - link

    PS any chance of getting a preview of meedio tv!!??
  • mcveigh - Saturday, September 4, 2004 - link

    I'm very glad you reviewed this htpc frontend.
    I have settled on this for my htpc. the setup is easy and everything works out of the box...of course I try to complicate things with different dvd/movie players than the default. ffdshow post processing, and integrating sagetv into it. :)

    I hope you really go in detail on the plugins..especially the net radio ones, and news feeds.!!!!!

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