Intel Motherboards - 9xx

Last but not least, we come to Intel 9xx boards. These tend to be the priciest of upgrade solutions due to the fact that a new video card and RAM are usually needed in addition to the new motherboard, and not to mention a new CPU. So, unless you're building a new system from scratch, or just have a lot of money to spend on your upgrade, it might be best to stick to an 8xx board for the time being.

If you are lucky enough to match either of the two above prerequisites, then by all means, there are a lot of great options available. Currently, the best board that we can think of in this category is the Asus 925X P5AD2. This board has everything including the kitchen sink. The only problem is its price tag, which comes in at over $220 for the Deluxe and almost $260 for the Premium edition. Being a price guide, this board obviously does not make the cut for its sheer cost. Hopefully, the board will come down in price soon so that we can start recommending it without cringing and clutching our wallets.

For the time being, the Abit AA8-DuraMAX appears to be the best value around. It's not entirely too far away from the P5AD2 in performance or features, but it does distance itself quite well when it comes to price. At less than $180, this motherboard is the way to go to move up to the latest and greatest technologies while still saving some cash to purchase all of the other components that you'll need just to use the motherboard.

Abit 925X (775) AA8-DuraMAX 120 Day Analysis

Intel Motherboards – 8xx
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  • slurmsmackenzie - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    what about 915 for 775? PCIe, ddr2 and ddr (4gb each), high definition audio. the asus p5gdc deluxe is an extremely versitile board than overclocks well all for 160 dollars. i just think it was awkward not to even mention the asus 915p and the gigabyte 915p lines. there are other options than the overpriced uncompromising 925 chipset.
  • Rainman - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    For those who care, the Abit AA8 DuraMax has a $50 rebate on it making it only 102 dollars shipped from NewEgg.

    As usual, great work on the guide.
  • Gioron - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    I think #1 is talking about the wierd curves in between the yellow dots on the nforce2 motherboard graph on page 8. I'm not exactly sure whats going on in that graph either, and it probably wouldn't hurt to straighten all the blue lines.

    Other than that comment, I like the new format. Much more informative with the 120 day graphs and expanded comments. It looks like its a quite a bit more work than the previous style price guides, but it turned out well.
  • SUOrangeman - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    #1, I actually found the 120-day price analysis rather interesting. Perhaps they're worth keeping with the most dramatic changes are shown.

    FOr instance, there is no point in showing that data if only one vendor has product X and they never change the price. However, we may see some interesting supply-demand trends on products that are widely available (OK, more demand, than supply since it is widely available)

  • AtaStrumf - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    I found this in your A64 pricing table:

    **9** Athlon 64 (939) 3200+ 512KB 90nm NewEgg 265.00 3.99 268.99 **110028** Check Prices

    I think it need to be removed, since its doubled and makes no sense.
  • eetnoyer - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    Nice format. One thing to fix on pg.4 though...

    "One very nice attribute of the Sempron is that certain models make it very easy to adopt a newer socket 754 architecture without having to fork over the full cost of an Athlon XP..."

    I think that should say Athlon 64
  • thebluesgnr - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    Very nice article, well done!

    Only thing missing is pricing on KT600/KT880 motherboards.
  • AnnoyedGrunt - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    What's up with Newegg and their almost $50 price increase on the 939 3200+

    At the current price, it really isn't a very good deal.

    I haven't been that impressed with Newegg, and this price gouging certainly doesn't help their case.

    Hopefully that price will come back down when the chip becomes more readily available.

  • Chuckles - Sunday, October 24, 2004 - link

    For future guides, would it be possible to eliminate the spline curves connecting the points? Right now they are a bit of a distraction, as they don't portray the local trends of the curves.

    Also the page 12 chart is showing the trend in price of the Abit IC7-G MaxII rather than the AA8 as recommended.

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