Final Words

The Pentax Optio X is certainly an interesting camera. It has a stylish black and silver body that is twistable and packs in a great amount of features. The camera is capable of taking large 5 megapixel images and offers 15 recording modes from which to choose. It even has advanced functions such as manual white balance and several types of bracketing. In addition, it offers a movie and voice memo mode. Indeed, the camera proved to be a good performer in some of our tests. For example, when sounds are disabled, it starts up in a respectable 3.37 seconds and has decent write times as well. Under tungsten light, the Auto WB system performed a bit better than what we are used to seeing. Also, the colors were extremely accurate in our Auto WB daylight samples. The Optio X can expose night images for up to 4 seconds with good low-noise results. Unfortunately, that is about as far as the positive remarks go.

From a resolution standpoint, the Optio X is below average compared to other ultra-compact 5 megapixel cameras that we have tested. Throughout several of our outdoor samples, we found jaggies even at the highest quality setting. In addition, occasionally we saw some notable blurring at the edges and/or corners of the frames. Given the small sensor size of this camera, we weren't expecting a large dynamic range. However, it is important to mention that we discovered clipped shadows and highlights in some of our samples. In our shutter lag test, the Optio X took nearly a full second (0.92 sec) to focus and take a picture, although the pre-focused lag time was average. In our battery test, the Optio X took significantly less pictures than comparable cameras that we have reviewed. With this camera, it will almost be a necessity to buy an extra battery for any kind of extensive photo outing. Finally, we were very unimpressed with the movie functionality of the Optio X. Offering a resolution of only 320x240 at 15 fps, we certainly expect more from a camera as new as this. To make things worse, there is an audio lag in the movie clips. In the end, this camera falls a bit short of being really good. For someone who doesn't plan on printing over 8"x10", the image quality issues might not be a problem. However, considering all the downfalls and a price tag of $300+, it might be a better idea to consider other cameras.

 Pros  Cons
- Fast startup time
- Decent write times
- Decent Auto WB in tungsten light
- Even outdoor exposures with accurate colors
- Night mode produces nice low noise images
- Ultra-compact twistable metal body
- Below average resolution
- Mild jaggies
- Slight blurring at edges/corners
- Relatively slow shutter lag
- Below average battery life
- Audio lag in movie mode
- Mediocre movie mode (320x240, 15fps)
- No optical viewfinder

Thanks again to for loaning us the Pentax Optio X for review.

General Image Quality
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  • vshah - Thursday, February 10, 2005 - link

    my dad has the s410, i have the optio x. i have to admit, the canon is faster and has better image quality. usually what i end up doing is setting the res to 4mp, which is still plenty for printing. this speeds up the camera a bit...

    why use 4mp on a 5mp camera you ask? i just love the design, and this thing is so easy to carry around with you. i end up taking a lot more photos than i would with another camera. my primary purpose for taking photos (with this camera) is to record memories, and it excels at that.
  • semo - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    thanks Souka, that camera looks sweet
    here in the uk it is about £200 btw.
  • Souka - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    #4 Look at the Canon S410. Great image quality, small size, li-ion recharageable batt, CF cards, durable, and good software to boot.

    I see pricing at about $240 on-line from a variety of vendors....

  • Quiksel - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    nice pix of NCSU.... :-D

    i miss my state days... :'(

    ~niko ^_^
  • semo - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    from last paragraph on page:
    "However, considering all the downfalls and a price tag of $300+, it might be a better idea to consider other cameras."
    what other cameras? i'm absolutely clueless when it comes to cameras. all i know is that i don't want a thin (compact) camera because that means high price and lower quality. i don't care too much about video and a rechargeable battery is a big plus for me. any ideas?
  • kcma - Monday, February 7, 2005 - link

    maybe there'll be a cheaper 3/4 MP version that's almost as good in image quality =P
  • Souka - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    Why buy a high MP camera if image quality is poor?

  • TinyTeeth - Sunday, February 6, 2005 - link

    310 bucks is cheap for a 5 MP camera. Promising, though it seems to lack some image quality.

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