Gaming Performance

The evaluation suite for gaming performance of SFF systems was updated in 2022 Q4 with a focus on sampling a wide variety of games with different GPU performance requirements. Eight different games are now benchmarked at two different quality settings and four different resolutions. Average frame rates as well as 95th percentile frame rates (where available) are presented.

  • Civilization VI (DX12)
  • Strange Brigade
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Borderlands 3
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • F1 2022
  • World of Tanks

Most system reviews take a handful of games and process them at one resolution / quality settings for comparison purposes. Recently, we have seen many pre-built systems coming out with varying gaming capabilities. Hence, it has become imperative to give consumers an idea of how a given system performs over a range of resolutions and quality settings for each game. Our test suite is able to address this aspect.

Civilization VI

The Civilization series of turn-based strategy games is very popular. For such games, the frame rate is not necessarily an important factor in the gaming experience. However, starting with Civilization VI, Firaxis cranked up the visual fidelity to make the game more attractive. As a result, the game can be taxing on the GPU as well as the CPU, particularly in the DirectX 12 mode.

The resolution options are altered from the default as per the following depending on the desired rendering width and height. These settings were arrived at after extensive testing across multiple systems to produce repeatable and consistent results.

Civilization VI AppOptions.txt
RenderWidth 1366, 1920, 2560, 3840
RenderHeight 768, 1080, 1440, 2160
FullScreen 0
PlayIntroVideo 0
UIUpscale 0

Two sets of quality settings are evaluated, with the departures from the default configuration detailed below.

Civilization VI GraphicsOptions.txt
PerformanceImpact -1
MemoryImpact -1
ShadowMapResolution 4096 8192
AODepthResolution 1024 2048
AORenderResolution 1024 2048
TerrainSynthesisDetailLevel 2 1
TerrainQuality 3 4
LowQualityTerrainShader 1 0
SSReflectPasses 2 4
UseLowQualityWaterShader 1 0
VFXDetailLevel 0 1
ClutterDetailLevel 0 1
EnableAO 0 1
Quality 1 3
EnableMotionBlur 0 1


Civilization VI - Average Frame Rates


Civilization VI - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

The game is not particularly taxing, with the 95th percentile numbers even in the Ultra settings being above 60 fps. Overall, Civilization VI is a good fit for 1080p and lower resolutions gaming in our DeskMeet B660 configuration.

Strange Brigade (DX12)

Strange Brigade s a third-person shooter developed by Rebellion Developments (more widely known for games such as the Sniper Elite and Alien vs Predator series). It includes both DX12 and Vulkan executables, and we opt to evaluate the DX12 one. The game is known for not being particularly taxing on the GPU, making it a good fit even for processing even on integrated GPUs at low resolutions and quality settings.

The rendering resolutions and quality settings for Strange Brigade are controllable from a single options file.

Strange Brigade GraphicsOptions.ini
Resolution_Width 1280, 1920, 2560, 3840
Resolution_Height 720, 1080, 1440, 2160
Tessellation 0 1
TextureDetail 1 3
ShadowDetail 1 3
AntiAliasing 2 4
DrawDistance 1 3
AnisotropicFiltering 4 16
SSReflectionQuality 1 3
ObscuranceFields 0 1


Strange Brigade - Average Frame Rates


Strange Brigade - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

The game runs well even on integrated graphics. The 95th percentile numbers in the Ultra settings manage to hit the 60 fps mark. Overall, Strange Brigade is also a good fit for 1080p and lower resolutions gaming in our DeskMeet B660 configuration.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V hit the shelves back in 2015, but the title continues to remain a good benchmark for GPUs. Even modern mid-range ones struggle to hit 60 fps with high quality settings and higher resolutions. One of the drawbacks is that DirectX 12 support is not available. So, we opt to benchmark the title with DirectX 11.

Grand Theft Auto V allows configuration of quality via XML file as well as through the command line. We use the command line to control the rendering resolution as well as the quality, as shown in the table below. Arguments common to both quality settings [ -ssa, -anisotropicQualityLevel 16, -cityDensity 1, -fxaa 1, -lodScale 1, -particleShadows, -pedLodBias 0.2, -reflectionBlur, -shadowLongShadows 1, -textureQuality 2, -vehicleLodBias 0, -txaa 1, and -samplingMode 0] ] are not explicitly included below.

Grand Theft Auto V Command Line Options
-width 1280, 1920, 2560, 3840
-height 720, 1080, 1440, 2160
-shadowSoftness 1 3
-ssao 1 2
-grassQuality 1 3
-particleQuality 1 2
-postFX 1 3
-reflectionQuality 2 3
-shaderQuality 1 2
-ultraShadows 0 1
-shadowQuality 2 3
-tessellation 2 3
-waterQuality 1 2
-reflectionMsaa 2 8
-multiSample 4 8
-HdStreamingInFlight 0 1
-maxLodScale 0 1
-motionBlurStrength 0 1


Grand Theft Auto V - Average Frame Rates


Grand Theft Auto V - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

The game is quite taxing, but is probably still playable at 1080p with medium settings in our DeskMeet B660 configuration.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption from Rockstar Games is a open-world cowboy genre title. It has a wide array of impressive graphics and eerily realistic features. Benchmark settings for the two quality levels are similar to the ones applied for GTA V.

Red Dead Redemption 2 - Average Frame Rates


Red Dead Redemption 2 - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

Relatively newer games like Red Dead Redemption 2 bring the RX 6400 to its knees. 720p medium settings are probably still playable, but the user experience is not going to be good.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 is a first-person shooter / looter title from 2K Games. The evaluated quality settings for Borderlands 3 correspond to the 'Medium' and 'Badass' presets selectable from the Visuals menu in the game. The rendering resolution is also directly controllable from the menu. We use DX12 as the preferred graphics API for this title.

Borderlands 3 - Average Frame Rates


Borderlands 3 - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

The RX 6400 manages to put in a good performance in the Borderlands 3 workload relative to Red Dead Redemption 2. 1080p medium settings yield respectable numbers above 50 fps for the 95th percentile, which should be good enough for most gamers.

Cyberpunk 2077

Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing game from CD Projekt Red. It uses the company's in-house REDengine 4 game engine with extensive ray-tracing support. The built-in benchmark can be processed at different quality settings, out of which we chose two corresponding to 'Medium' and 'Ultra'. In addition, disabling of ray-tracing, and DLSS / FSR was also ensured.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Average Frame Rates


Cyberpunk 2077 - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

One of the newer games in our benchmarks set, Cyberpunk 2077 is very taxing. The DeskMeet B660 still manages to pull in respectable 95th percentile numbers for 720p medium settings - at close to 50 fps, the user experience should be passable.

F1 2022

Aside from keeping up-to-date with the Formula One world, F1 2022 also includes ray-tracing support. It is graphically quite demanding at higher quality settings, and keeps a useful racing-type workload in our benchmarks. We opt to use the in-game benchmark, set to run at Medium and Ultra settings (ray-tracing disabled) on the Bahrain track in dry weather. Benchmark data is taken over a one-lap race.

F1 2022 - Average Frame Rates


F1 2022 - 95th Percentile Frame Rates

The F1 series has historically performed well on AMD GPUs, and F1 2022 is no different. We see 1440p medium settings being perfectly playable on the RX 6400 in our DeskMeet B660.

World of Tanks

World of Tanks is a popular multi-player online game that allows players to take control of a range of military-based armored vehicles. From a benchmarking perspective, the developer (Wargaming) has a 'World of Tanks enCore' demo application with features of the game engine used in the actual game. The latest release used in our test suite includes ray tracing support that is explicitly turned on in our customization of the built-in 'Medium' and 'Ultra' settings.

World of Tanks - Average Frame Rates

This is not a particularly taxing benchmark, but we do add ray-tracing into the mix. Despite that, the RX 6400 performs well enough for playing at 1440p medium and 1080p ultra settings.

GPU Performance: Synthetic Benchmarks System Performance: Multi-Tasking
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  • 1_rick - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    No pictures of the system with the GPU installed?
  • megadirk - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    I found one on their newegg listing under user review pictures.
  • 1_rick - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    Thanks! I searched the site to find the rest of the images--the one showing the back panel doesn't have an add-in card installed at all. It looks like the card in your image is probably something like a dual NIC based on the shape of the metal boxes connected to the card backplane. I certainly hope that's not a GPU considering if it is whoever put that together would've had to take off the heat sink and hope a regular 120MM fan would cool it!
  • ganeshts - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    I will upload some more images in a gallery in the 'Assembling the System' sub-section later tonight. Yes, that image is not one of a GPU. If a GPU is installed, it becomes impossible to install the extra fan in the system. Even a single-slot GPU's cooling solution would interfere with the fan placement.

    With a single-slot GPU, two 2.5" drives can be installed in the place where the fan is seen. In the vertical orientation, the fan appears on top of the case.

    With a dual-slot GPU, there is very little gap between the top of the case and the GPU's cooling solution. The GPU fan exhausts hot air directly out through the perforations on the top of the chassis.
  • ganeshts - Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - link

    A gallery with pictures from the assembly process has now been added in the relevant section.

    The GPU is in the picture starting from
  • 1_rick - Wednesday, January 25, 2023 - link

    Thanks, Ganesh.
  • ballsystemlord - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    @Ganesh Nice to see a Navi product being benchmarked. It's been a long time.
  • RaiderJ - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    I'm surprised they didn't go with a smaller ITX PSU. Seems like a simple way to reduce the size with minimal impact to cost/noise/heat.
  • meacupla - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    yeah, the back panel shows a mounting point for SFX PSUs. Asrock must have used an ATX for cost reasons.
  • thomasjkenney - Monday, January 23, 2023 - link

    Thanks, this is a good read.

    "Unfortunately, the documentation is not clear from the documentation..."

    You don't say? :)

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