Encoding Performance & Power Usage with Quicktime/iTunes

In our Quicktime encoding test, performance is fairly close between all three platforms, once again making it boil down to power consumption.

Quicktime H.264 Encoding Test  

...which obviously favors Intel's P965, as the nForce 570 SLI draws just under 5% more power than the P965. 

Quicktime H.264 Encoding Test  


Quicktime H.264 Encoding Test  

Rounding off our look at encoding performance/power consumption is our iTunes MP3 encode test, and the standings don't change here either:

iTunes MP3 Encoding Test

iTunes MP3 Encoding Test

iTunes MP3 Encoding Test

Encoding Performance & Power Usage with DivX/WME9 Gaming Performance & Power Usage with Quake 4
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  • PotatoMAN - Friday, December 29, 2006 - link

    I am currently trying to in work a PC into my car, and I need to conserve every watt I possibly can (trying to use a DC to DC power supply to avoid losing power from inverting and converting DC->AC->DC). I think there are some limitations right now with the amount of power you can draw from a DC current in a car, and I need to keep my wattage below a certain threshold. Thanks to this review I can base my computer purchasing decisions for my car with some information in hand. Thanks again, Anandtech.
  • Stomper88 - Monday, October 16, 2006 - link

    Please post idle wattage as well. My computers sit there at idle much longer than any other state.
  • rkhpedersen - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Why didn't you include the idle power consumption. Most computers are running idle far longer than actually doing something. It seems that the most important peice of info is left out of this test.
  • mino - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Second that.

    Please add that chart, these are 3 numbers so it shouldn't be a problem provided you want to add it.
  • MadBoris - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    I was just going to close down the site after briefly looking at some of the graphs.
    But came here first to check and post comments.

    This information is pretty useless to me, but atleast a corporation 'may' benefit. Although I don't think corporations buy computer parts with a few watts power draw as the governing factor, unless the IT group has really lost it's way.

    As far as Anandtech articles go, testing power draw would be more beneficial practical if showing differences between Core 2 Duo and Athlon X2 platforms. Also between GPU's ATI vs NVIDIA, current gen vs. last gen, etc. now that could be fairly interesting and would likely show a difference that actually means something.

    This one was a sleeper for me. I think the idea of testing power draw is sound, just that the focus of testing, in this case, wasn't worth the time. Maybe next time.
  • mino - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Well, maybe we have lost our way ..

    Chipset power started to really matter the moment NB power got above 10W period.

    The problem is heated chipset means more heat in case, less life for board, bigger problem to cool it down => active cooling => lower long-term stability ...

    Is it 3W or 6W ? I don't care.
    Is it 6W or 15W? That 15W variant is off the table even before I look after the features.
  • BPB - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Too bad they didn't include ASUS' new http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?Pr...">P5N32-SLI Premium/WiFi-AP nForce 590 SLI Intel Edition board. That's a board I'm considering for a third system. Right now we have two P5W DH Deluxe boards.
  • Askari77 - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    I'd like to see the results from a Intel 945G motherboard test as I heard it will support the Core 2 processor line. Unfortunately though I have a Gateway proprietary 945G board (codename Big Lake) but still built by Intel. So I'm more interested in compatibility rather than power consumption. Currently have a Pentium D, though I like the sound of the Core 2's.
  • peldor - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Really, charts are great when you've got a half dozen video cards in a roundup and the results are different in each test. But in this case the results are essentially the same in every test: high, middle, low. It would have been a lot more efficient to present these in a table. Red for high, blue for low. All the results fit on one page.
  • Staples - Friday, October 13, 2006 - link

    Anandtech has never done an article that pitted the 865, 875 and 570 head to head on a Core 2. Sure there have been old reviews with both the intel chipssets with P4s but those were long ago and the performance may not be the same with the Core 2.

    Glad to see some benchmarks finally. Maybe I am crazy but this is the only hardware site I visit and I have been disapointed that you were lacking head to head chipset benchmarks when the Core 2 has been out for several months already.

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