DIY and the Future of OCUR

Microsoft has a vested interest in the success of not only the TV Wonder DCT but all OCUR products for Vista. For Microsoft to be at the center of the digital home, all content needs to be stored on the PC - music, movies and television all need to come in to the PC and then get sent to all of the networked devices in the home for consumption. Bringing cable TV to PCs has been done time and time again, but Microsoft seemed to miss the HD boat. OCUR changes all of that....

Microsoft, not AMD, wrote the Vista driver for the TV Wonder DCT, so any driver bugs are actually Microsoft's responsibility and not AMD's. The reason why Microsoft is the author of the driver and AMD just the hardware manufacturer is because Microsoft wants more companies to make OCUR devices, and it wants a single driver for any OCUR under Vista. If another manufacturer chooses to go through the necessary steps to create an OCUR for Vista, it will work with the same driver that the TV Wonder DCT does.

The long term goal is this: Microsoft (and AMD) hopes that a new class of PCs will become available in the market. These PCs will be labeled "Digital Cable Ready", meaning that they meet all of the hardware, software, and protected path requirements necessary to support an OCUR device. Given that the requirements are fairly easy to fulfill, it wouldn't be too far fetched to have most PCs on retail shelves be Digital Cable Ready in a year or two.


With a good number of Digital Cable Ready PCs on the market, the next phase would be to introduce a retail OCUR product. AMD told us that if the conditions are right, it will introduce a retail version of the TV Wonder DCT for use with a Digital Cable Ready Vista PC. Given that the first TV Wonder DCT systems have yet to even ship, it will clearly be a while before enough of them get out there to make AMD consider releasing a retail product.

Unfortunately things don't look too good for DIY-ers at this point; AMD mentioned that it currently has no intentions to release a TV Wonder DCT that would work with a home built system. The limitation stems from the BIOS flag requirement of OCCUR; without the necessary BIOS flag present Vista and the TV Wonder DCT hardware will not function. Currently that BIOS flag is only being provided to OEMs who will be producing Digital Cable Ready PCs, and not to motherboard manufacturers for use in their own motherboard designs. It is highly likely that simply adding support for the flag to an unsupported motherboard may be possible in the future, once more is known about this flag and how Vista reads it. However according to AMD, unless that requirement is lifted you won't see an official solution for DIY-ers.

Future compatibility is somewhat guaranteed with the ATI TV Wonder DCT. Multi-stream cards will be supported but they will only function in single card compatibility mode. Future bidirectional cards will not work however and they will require a new tuner, currently called BOCR (Bidirectional Open Cable Receiver). AMD informed us that BOCR would be a brand new product to be released in the middle of 2008 at the earliest. Upon the release of a BOCR product, you can expect OCUR to possibly move into a lower price point.

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  • Terrbo40 - Friday, April 17, 2009 - link

    On the surface everyone say's, Why not just stay with the DVR from the cable company? Let's take a quick look at that first you have to get the DVR or Card from the Cable company in that way we are still beholden to them especially since BY LAW it's all Digital.

    Genrally a DVR will only take care of one room (some now will do two rooms) for a Cost of about $10.00 (depending on your provider)
    and if you wanted a second one it is approx. $20.00 more a month. So, for two box's you are up to $30.00 a month just for the set top box's and if you are like most people today you have more than two Monitors (TV'S) in your home. And if you out fitted each one with a DVR at a cost of $20.00 each what would that cost you a month?

    Now, Take the ATI TV Wonder Digital TV Tuner with one cable card
    and put it on the network in your home how many of your Monitor/Tv's would now have DVR capablities not to mention all, the channels that the one or two DVR's you orginally you had all off your network which not only would you be able to watch at home but some of you real tech savey people out there would even be watching from the road.

    So, I say why would I not want this tech in my home where in the long run ( short run as well ) it will save me a ton of money that I won't have to be paying to the cable company. Yes, There would be some set up cost in the begining but I figure that I would get that back with in the first year. well that's my two cent's worth thanks for taken the time. I'm sure if you look at it you will find more reasons if you wanted to to go with it as well.

  • verndewd - Friday, April 6, 2007 - link

    Bugs or not its a killer idea. They will work it out and everyone will want one.I want one.
  • Araemo - Thursday, April 5, 2007 - link

    I just saw">this article go up at Ars Technica. AMD has announced that they have discovered a bug with a specific Scientific Atlanta cablecard is causing issues with their OCUR device. Maybe Anandtech's problems are rooted there?
  • PAPutzback - Thursday, April 5, 2007 - link

    I just read a review the other day on the Niveus systems. These look a heck of a lot better than this system reviewed here and the channel changing was quick and flawless.">

    Perhaps Anandtech can get one of these systems for a review

  • DigitalFreak - Thursday, April 5, 2007 - link">Link
  • phil2cool - Thursday, April 5, 2007 - link

    Any of you guys take the card out of the box and stick it in a PCIe slot?? Would be interesting to see what the system would do.
  • TrueWisdom - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - link

    I have to say, this review was excellently written, but it dashed all the dreams I had about running a media server. I had envisioned having one PC hooked up to my cable, recording QAM broadcasts, and then distributing them on the fly to any networked device in my house. (I was actually considering purchasing an Xbox 360 for just this purpose--well, that and Gears of War.) But this sounds absolutely ridiculous--any content I try to record or stream is locked down in every conceivable way. Why are they so goddamned concerned with what I do with my media? If it's broadcast OTA, and I paid for it, just let it go. Don't try and control it after it gets to my house, too.

    I was really excited about using Vista Ultimate's Media Center to stream video and whatnot; it really looked like a simple, attractive interface. Now it looks like it's back to Kubuntu and XBMC.

    Can Vista's Media Center stream downloaded material to an Xbox 360? For example, if I were to download episodes of a publicly available program (say Prison Break, for example) in HD, could I then stream it to the X360?
  • Tujan - Wednesday, April 11, 2007 - link

    I tend to agree with this. The problem with configuration of these type of components is you have separate proprietary parties controlling them. OTA broadcast,or Cable in the anolog areana,did not personify 'illegal distribution'. The VCR what it is and was,being nothing more than a recording.To the person making it.
    With DMCA,these parties become 'liable'in no ending concerns.Via closed off agreements pertaining to the systems volitility.Something RIAA,and MPAA continue to exploit- the reach of communicative systems,and thus their control in continuation of them,on their terms.
    I had looked into a Radio Shack catalog one time,and you could for example,take your analog signal,through the RCA connector,and have the whole homes systems receive the video.And sound.
    But with the digital stuff,the whole that makes up the parts,is something of a legal partition in consideration of whatever reach a device can be conductive too.Nevermind the usefullness of them.That would be in the terms and agreements.

    I had at first wanted to note that of the problems people are going to have since of course they are going to want to upgrade their processors.Here we are not in technical terms.But yet again going to what legal terms make up their composition. When the leverage is on the proprietary nature,rather than the usefulness of the technology.
    Dominoes in missing identity.
  • vailr - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - link

    Why USB 2.0 instead of firewire?
    I believe firewire would have been a better choice for an HD TV tuner. Firewire 800 doesn't seem too common right now (firewire 400 being more common). Since Dell has total control of their PC design: why not include 2 firewire 800 ports. And use those instead of USB 2.0 ports for the external AMD TV tuner. Making for less bottleneck when using a USB mouse & keyboard. Not to mention external USB 2.0 hard drives, etc.
  • tagej - Wednesday, April 4, 2007 - link

    As usual Anand did a great job with this review.

    The more I read about this stuff, the more I realize the combination of the content industry and MS are shooting themselves in the foot with all the restrictions. This platform will never go anywhere if people have to jump through all sorts of hoops and end up having all sorts of issues and restrictions. They'll just get the HD DVR from their cable company and be done with it.

    The only reason to go with an HTPC over a regular cable-company HD DVR is to add flexibility -- and all the DRM restrictions have pretty much nixed the flexibility aspect already. For example, you can't burn something and take it over to a buddy's house for viewing. So how is this better than the regular DVR? It's a little shinier in terms of the interface, but otherwise is the same (except it doesn't work as well).

    Nope, this thing is dead in the water, MS will not own the living room anytime soon....

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