Gaming Performance

The gaming performance of the K6-3 at the 500MHz clock speed is truly competitive, relatively speaking in comparison to the rest of AMD's processors, as even the 3DNow! un-optimized TNT boasts frame rates in the 50's for the Kryotech K6-3 system.  Not too shabby at all considering that there is very little separating the K6-3 from the slower Pentium II processors at this performance level.  The unfortunate truth is that for a much lower cost, you could get much greater performance out of a Celeron 400 system.

The strength of the supercooled Cool K6-3's power shines in 3 Fingers' crusher demo where the lowest realistic frame rate you can expect to drop to with the K6-3 500 is around 28 fps.  Not to bad, right?   Wrong, because the Celeron 300A is at that very same level of performance for a much lower cost. 

Windows 98 Performance Glide Gaming Performance
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