by Anand Lal Shimpi on April 27, 1999 2:32 PM EST

Direct3D Performance - Descent3 AnandTech Demo

AnandTech needed another Direct3D demo, using the latest Descent3 demo AnandTech put together a real world torture test focusing on gameplay during which the frame rate drops to an extremely low point as well as peaks at the maximum possible output by the video card.  The demo can be downloaded here.  To run the demo, download the Descent3 Demo2, select your rendering device, set the detail levels to "Highest" and be sure to disable the cockpit of the ship.  Then simply use the View Demo option in the main menu once you're in the game and select the at.dem file and run the demo.  After it is complete, a low, high, and average frame rate will be outputted to the screen.

D3 - P3/500

Shogo Performance Conclusions D3 - P2/400
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