With the CPU power at its lowest, the K6-2 300 tests easily separate the CPU dependent from the CPU appreciative accelerators out there.

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With relatively little competition from the older generation cards, it's no surprise that the top performers are still 3dfx/NVIDIA parts, even at this slower clock speed.

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Two unexpected decent performers make themselves known here, the Voodoo2 SLI armed with its MiniGL does some damage to NVIDIA's TNT2 Ultra which is a tad more CPU dependent than most K6-2 300 users would like (however keep in mind that CPU dependent also means that it scales well with processors. Translation? If you upgrade your processor, you get noticeably more performance). The second item worth noting is the Savage4, although it doesn't compete with the TNT2 Ultra or Voodoo3 (MiniGL) it does separate itself from the rest of the elderly pack by a good margin.

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K6-2 400 Low-Res Performance: demo1.dm2 K6-2 300 Low-Res Performance: demo1.dm2
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