Text Legibility Test: Wordpad

ATI ImpacTV2

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The ImpacTV2 on the Rage 128 had horrible text output, and the drivers featured no controls to adjust the sharpness of the text (no enhancing utilities).  For presentations, the Rage 128's ImpacTV2 doesn't seem to be the best in the business by a long shot.  If all you're interested in is playing games on your TV, then it's not so bad, but typing isn't the most pleasant experience.  After around 30 minutes of staring at the screen you'll begin to wonder why you hadn't invested in another solution...

Brooktree BT869

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The Brooktree BT869 is definitely superior to the ImpacTV2 in terms of text output quality, however it is still quite blurry.  The outputted screen was fairly flicker free however the clarity of the text was not nearly as great as that of the Matrox MGA TVO.

Gaming Quality Conclusion Text Quality (continued)
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