Gaming Performance

To get a brief overview of the gaming performance of the Permedia 3, the Quake 2 demo1.dm2 file at all supported full screen resolutions from 640 x 480 up to 1600 x 1200. The performance of the Permedia 3, as you can already begin to see, isn't nearly as competitive as even the old TNT or Voodoo2 when it comes to gaming performance. Luckily, the hardcore gaming audience wasn't 3Dlabs' intended target with the Permedia 3.


To put the Permedia 3 in its place, as you can see by the below chart, it takes a backseat to the Rage 128 and the Riva TNT, both graphics cards of the previous generation of gaming solutions. The multitextured performance of the Permedia 3 is greater than that of the 3dfx Banshee, however it is still no where near the levels of performance TNT2 and Voodoo3 owners are already enjoying.

The Test Windows 98 High-End Performance
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