Intel Pentium III 600

by Anand Lal Shimpi on July 29, 1999 12:44 PM EST

The Pentium III 600 is one of those processors that is better at driving the prices of competing and older processors to lower levels than making an impact as a flagship CPU.  The Pentium III 600 is the same old, same old, from Intel, the move to a 0.18 micron fabrication process should spice things up a bit however until then, the Pentium III 600 is reserved for those users with deep pockets looking for the fastest thing out right away.  The beauty of the Pentium III 600 is that it not only drives the prices of the 550 and slower processors down, it's price is sure to drop after the Athlon processor goes on sale during the first part of August.

The best option for you at this point would be to watch carefully as the CPU price and performance wars wage on, this upcoming holiday season and the months before it will prove to be the best time to invest in a new computer.  New AGP 4X graphics cards are just around the corner, as are new chipsets, and newer, cheaper, processors.  Competition is grand.

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