
Based on the benchmarks you should be able to make a buying decision that will more accurately suit your needs, but the bigger question at hand seems to be "what's next?"   Intel has a few new CPUs coming along before the holiday buying season this year, and AMD isn't about to sit around and let Intel just waltz in and take back the performance throne that was stolen from them by the Athlon.  VIA's recent acquisition of Cyrix should bring some interesting competition to the low-end of the CPU market, not to mention the effects of having the K6-2 and K6-III finally being targeted at the low-end market instead of being forced upon the flagship position by AMD. 

The end of 1999 should be very interesting, it seems like every company is looking to go out with a bang.  Quite a bit will change between now and October, if you're looking to make a purchase now, then consider what we have shown in this comparison, otherwise your safest bet (isn't it always?) will be to wait until at least October to see what the two feuding families have in store for the'll be good.

WinNT Benchmark Summary - 2
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