3Dlabs Oxygen GVX1 PCI

by Anand Lal Shimpi on December 1, 1999 3:26 AM EST

3D Studio MAX R2.5

The two Kinetix supplied 3D Studio MAX benchmarks illustrate an obvious performance difference between the cards, but for the most part 3D Studio MAX is dependent on raw CPU power rather than the power of the video card. Although the top two performers do change this somewhat with their hardware T&L support.

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  • evilpaul666 - Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - link

  • Railgun - Thursday, October 15, 2020 - link

    Welp, if we’re going to be children...

    First is worst. Second’s best.
  • domboy - Thursday, October 15, 2020 - link

    Reading this all these years later I realize several things. I miss
    - single slot cards
    - having more than just two gpu vendors
    - video cards with green PCBs

    Good old PCI bus. I don't miss AGP though... glad PCIe came along to to allow one standard for all add-on cards.

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