3Dlabs Oxygen GVX1 PCI

by Anand Lal Shimpi on December 1, 1999 3:26 AM EST


The name 3Dlabs has always been associated with quality, and that tradition carries on with the Oxygen GVX1 product. With the recent introduction of the PCI version of the card the possibilities for multi-head operation make the GVX1 a very flexible solution that should have no problem earning back its $600 pricetag in no time. The high quality drivers, above average performance, and overall stability/reliability of the card will keep it proudly bearing the 3Dlabs name.

Unfortunately there is a threat to 3Dlabs and the GVX1, it is in the form of NVIDIA's GeForce. We have already made it clear that the GeForce obviously has some issues with wireframe AA rendering as well as dropping pixels in various rendering situations. A driver fix has yet to appear and we most likely won't see on for the GeForce, if one is even possible. NVIDIA doesn't want the GeForce competing on this level, instead they have another child to bring into the professional market, the Quadro.

The Quadro supposedly isn't plagued by the accuracy and quality problems of the GeForce, but the chip itself isn't very different from the GeForce at all. The main difference seems to be the drivers. NVIDIA isn't letting just anyone produce Quadro based cards either, only ELSA, a company that has a long history of specializing in workstation level products and drivers. So don't be too surprised if NVIDIA's Quadro comes out to be a very good competitor in this market, provided that the drivers are sound and capable of meeting the demands of professional users.


Until the day when the Quadro comes in as the technology to beat, we will continue to turn to companies like 3Dlabs to offer us with sub-$1000 solutions like the Oxygen GVX1.

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  • evilpaul666 - Wednesday, October 14, 2020 - link

  • Railgun - Thursday, October 15, 2020 - link

    Welp, if we’re going to be children...

    First is worst. Second’s best.
  • domboy - Thursday, October 15, 2020 - link

    Reading this all these years later I realize several things. I miss
    - single slot cards
    - having more than just two gpu vendors
    - video cards with green PCBs

    Good old PCI bus. I don't miss AGP though... glad PCIe came along to to allow one standard for all add-on cards.

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