With the L2 cache disabled on both the Pentium III 500E and the Celeron, the results end up displaying the advantage offered by the 100MHz FSB over the 66MHz FSB. An overall improvement of 18% is quite impressive, with the graphics scores receiving the biggest improvement of 21% as a result of a move to the 100MHz FSB.

Moving to the 133MHz FSB should yield an additional improvement of 12% or so. While we didn't test the Pentium III on the i820/i840 platforms, the combination of the faster memory bus and the higher bandwidth of RDRAM should give the i820 + Pentium III 800 setup a very noticeable advantage under Pro/E. We will be taking a look at the i820/i840 under Pro/E in the future.

How much of a performance improvement does the Pentium III E offer over the original Pentium III? According to the total score comparison, an 11% improvement is what can be expected from simply moving to the Pentium III E. This indicates that Pro/E prefers the faster/wider L2 cache of the Pentium III E to the larger albeit slower/narrower L2 cache of the original Pentium II.

Playing with Cache Final Words
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  • dac7nco - Tuesday, June 28, 2011 - link

    My phone is faster than a DEC Alpha; greetings from the future!

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