The situation here is very similar to the SYSMark 2000 scores. The ASUS K7M being used here didn't seem to perform as well as our usual Gigabyte 7IX test platform most likely because of a lack of support for the Super Bypass feature. We were required to stick with the K7M in this test bed since it was the only motherboard we had available with FSB speeds between 100 and 110MHz.

With a Super Bypass enabled motherboard, the Athlon scores would be an additional 5 - 10% faster in this test.

An increased FSB frequency seems to help out here as the Athlon at 735/105 comes out on top of an Athlon running at 750/100. The same thing is the case with the Athlon at 770/110 versus the Athlon 800.

The two 133MHz FSB tests on the BX failed because of the increased AGP clock.

SYSMark 2000 Performance Unreal Tournament Performance
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