by Gary Jones on January 25, 2000 11:44 AM EST

The Card

The reference NVIDIA Quadro DDR is an AGP graphics card whose main components are a NVIDIA Quadro chip, hidden under the fan/heatsink, and (8) 64 Mbit Hyundai DDR SDRAM memory chips.  The Quadro DDR reference card unlike the GLoria II Quadro SDR  doesn't adhere to the NLX form factor specification for a peripheral card.   The layout closely resembles that of ELSA’s ERAZOR X2 DDR SDRAM GeForce 256 product.  


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The card has 64 Mbytes of Double Data Rate (DDR) SDRAM on the card, which is twice the amount on the current production GeForce 256 cards. The memory bus architecture ( 128 bit ) appears to be the same as that on the GeForce 256 DDR cards.  The RAMDAC is a 350 MHz unit and resolutions to 2048x1536 at 85 Hz at truecolor are supported. The card supports normal analog video, LCD digital  and S-video outputs.


The ELSA NT 4.0 GLoria II Quadro SDR driver used for the GLoria II review would not work with this card so the NVIDIA 3.65 driver was used for testing.  This driver lacked specific profiles for the professional applications.  It is expected that the production form of this card will include a professional class driver.

The Competitors The Test
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